Go Daddy Defaults to .co Domain


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Due to most .com names already taken, Go Daddy has switched to .co as the default choice for their search box. Any bets on how long we have until domain squatters have taken all of the good .co names as well?

Instead of featuring .com as the default option on its search box, Go Daddy has shifted gears and now employs .co as the default domain choice. Considering Go Daddy is the place where almost fifty percent of domain registrations takes place, this is an enormous victory for .co and those who own .co domains.
At an overpriced $30/year... it will take a while.

AB12 is not taken yet, but obvious ones like abcd.co and abc123.co are long gone.

For anyone looking to hop into the URL reselling market, you want the least amount of letters as possible. 3 letters and 4 letters should be bought up and saved until the .co run out and jack in price.
I don't get it. Isn't the reason you choose a .com is for other people to find your site? How does GoDaddy duping you into getting a .co instead help? And why not just jack the price of the .com's? Supply and Demand is broken.
Personally I think it's pretty BS what they're doing, they're relying on johnny not-to-good-with-computers to decide I want a website tonight and go buy the domain... not realizing .co isn't the "standard"... How many people won't realize they selected a .co instead of .com...
Until COSTCO sues you for the domain, that is. Hint: they've got more money than anyone should so putting up a fight of any kind would be effectively useless.
Wouldn't have much of a case. "cost.co" is not "COSTCO".

Also, I find it doubtful that anyone would clamor for a .co domain. .com is still a dramatically more appropriate choice at this time.
I don't get it. Isn't the reason you choose a .com is for other people to find your site? How does GoDaddy duping you into getting a .co instead help? And why not just jack the price of the .com's? Supply and Demand is broken.

yes and no. Although how many people actually type in a web site instead of searching for it when you are talking about the average joe?

As for prices, yeah they could start to charge the same as everyone else, but then then that would hurt their business as people might just start going to other places to buy their domain names, but at the same time this can hurt them also.
Still plenty of .com names if people are imaginative. e.g. Local businesses generally need only prefix or suffix their city name to the domain they want and they're done. e.g. jimsbar.com becomes jimsbarchicago.com.