Gmaes Choppy on 8800 GTX?


Jul 30, 2007
I recently upgraded from a 7600 GS to the 8800GTX. I installed World in Conflict and it is choppy as hell. Much choppier than all the videos on youtube show gameplay to be. I'm running out of ideas as to what can be the problem. Anyone know of weird incompatibilities with the hardware/software listed below?

GA-EP35-DS3 ( I did overclock it)
Vista 64
1600 x 1050 LCD

I have tried it with all the settings on medium and high and it really doesn't made a difference. I'm guessing maybe the overclock of the CPU and the settings associated may be causing a problem but I have no idea.
Did you uninstall the old gfx card driver first then install the latest driver with the new card?
As asked, what PSU are you using?
WiC is quad optimized I though? 8800GTX is nothing to cough at either.

Try running it in DX9.

Try running a driver cleaner and updating to the newest drivers and make sure the game is patched.

And make sure your quad is running at 2.4ghz and all 4 cores are working (you can disable cores in bios).

This is going to sound silly, but if you're on XP, try it with just 2 GB of ram.

And yes, some CPU overclocks can cause instability/corruption, especially if they are over heating or OCed to high. Drop it back to stock.

Side story - This reminds me of a time that I built a system for my cousin. He kept telling me his OS wasn't stable and it kept crashing, nothing worked right. I kept trying to troupble shoot it for him over the phone. Finally he's like "you think my 1.2GHZ OC is messing with it?" Set it to stock and it was 100% stable.
Just an idea, Is your cpu oc'd?

I ran into a chopiness problem with cod4, turns out my oc wasn't stable because when I lowered my clock speeds and tried it again afterwards it went away. I racked my brain wondering what the problem was before trying that. ended up getting a better cooler and bumping up the vcore.

edit- didn't see bigdogchris's response. haha pretty much the same thing. Let us know
My overclock on the Q6600 is very conservative (only 3 Ghz with a Zalman 9700). Just as everyone suggested, my next step was going to be putting the CPU back to stock settings.

I did think about the PSU thing a bit before but never pursued it much. I have the supply listed below (click the link for specs) and I now have a feeling that this may be the culprit. Thanks for all the input. I love this forum, I deal with server crap all week so the last thing I want to do is spend my free time figuring stuff like this out by myself.

Thermaltake Purepower W0100RU 500W ATX 12V

More Specs

Q6600 (9 x 333 can't remember the ratio but it comes out to 3 GHz)
Vista 64 (with most settings disabled I am at about 1 GB idle)
4 GB (4 x 1024) 4-4-4-12 (Crucial Balistix and I upped the voltage to what is required)
Games installed on secondary SATA II drive
though that supply could potentially power that beast of a machine you've created, i'd look into upgrading your psu to something a little more robust.

WiC plays great on my rig, you should be having a similar (better) experience.

edit: yikes, 14A on the 12V rail. that's the problem.
Not sure what you mean about the 12v Rail?

Just an update, I set everything back to standard speed settings and even hooked up my 1280 x 1024 LCD to see if it was just a problem with that resolution but I am getting the same problems.
Doing some reading....... I only have power connected to one of the slots on the 8800 GTX, should I have power connected to both of the connections?
That was it! I connected two PCI-E power connectors to the card and switched to a Rosewill Stallion 500W PSU. Its a night and day difference!