Glossy or Matte?

Glossy or matte?

  • Glossy

    Votes: 38 35.5%
  • Matte

    Votes: 65 60.7%
  • I still won't give up my CRT despite the vast improvements LCD's have seen since the '90s!

    Votes: 4 3.7%

  • Total voters


Nov 26, 2006
Been kicking around the idea of getting a couple new monitors, and was wondering what folks here thought of glossy displays as opposed to matte displays? I've only ever really used matte displays for any extended period of time and haven't spent much time gaming or watching video on a glossy screen to really get a decent and fair comparison. I do know, however, there is quite the controversy on glossy displays; some people love 'em others can't stand 'em. Which do you prefer and why?
I have too much light in my house to use a glossy.
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Matte, because blacking out your room just to use your computer sounds incredibly nerdy, not to mention a quick way to become nearsighted.
Matte because I prefer to let the natural sunlight into my house rather then blacken my home like a nerd dungeon for better monitor "clarity" from a gloss screen in the dark
I prefer the look of glossy; I think it has theb est visual quality and clarity. However, it isn't always feasible to use. Still, I would have to vote for glossy.

Having said that, I've been using a matte-finish monitor either on my desktop or the screen on the laptop I had before it for the last 10 years. ^_^ Glossy wasn't really found on laptops back in '01, and when I built my new desktop in '07 and bought a Samsung 226BW to go with it, I didn't realize there was a glossy alternative from Samsung until after I had bought the 226BW. /facepalm
I use a LG 227WTG so it is fine since it's small. I could not see using a 27-30" monitor that was glossy. I think having a glossy bezel is more annoying.
Yeah, I don't know how the whole glossy thing started, and I'm not just talking about screens, but also bezels and pretty much every kind of consumer electronics nowadays, peripherals, smartphones, etc. I think it started sometime in 2008, before that things were usually matte and rubbery, and I've been waiting for it to go away, but it doesn't seem to be going away LOL. Thankfully there are still options for people who like things that look good. I just don't get it, its so ugly and tacky, fingerprint/smudge magnet, hard to clean, really reflective, doesnt even feel good against your hand or ear for peripherals and phones. It's like one of the worst thing to happen to consumer electronics the last 10 years I think.
Glossy provides the best image quality if you can control the lighting in your area while matte is more practical due to AG properties.
Glossy imho is my favorite style of monitor. As long as light sources are above, behind, and to the side of the monitor, you don't have that many reflections.
Glossy imho is my favorite style of monitor. As long as light sources are above, behind, and to the side of the monitor, you don't have that many reflections.
any reflections at all on the screen kill any pros a glossy monitor may have. even the glossy bezels drive me nuts.
Hmmz... many people love matte, but HATE the aggressive AG used specifically by LG. A bit of an unfair poll.
I can't stand this Anti-Glair coating on my HP LP2475w. I pray the HP ZR30w isn't like this.
Used to think I liked glossy, but after getting some matte monitors its hard to go back. Really annoying to try playing games during the day.
Matte, because blacking out your room just to use your computer sounds incredibly nerdy, not to mention a quick way to become nearsighted.

Thats a bit extreme lol, It's all about lighting placement, you can still have plenty of room lighting with a glossy screen its just better to have the light source behind the monitor if possible, or off to the side.. just not in front to where it can hit the screen directly.

I have a bright adjustable lamp that sits behind our (glossy) plasma and it can be on full blast without causing any issues to the TVs picture quality.
any reflections at all on the screen kill any pros a glossy monitor may have. even the glossy bezels drive me nuts.

Idk, I never had this issue. At one point I had 4 glossy HP monitors in an upside down T formation.


My room had florescence above, and windows on the walls facing the outside. :p
I used to like matte until I got the I love glossy. If you can control the light in the room, you can barely see a glare even with the lights on. If lighting will be an issue for you, then matte is probably the better choice.
Glossy is better to me in perfect conditions but I never seem to be in perfect conditions and I always end up seeing myself in anything glossy which ruins it for me so I go for matte.
I used to like matte until I got the I love glossy. If you can control the light in the room, you can barely see a glare even with the lights on. If lighting will be an issue for you, then matte is probably the better choice.

The NEC 20WMGX2 was a great monitor. I still have it and use it to this day. I wish NEC didn't go matte on their new 30 inch monitor :(
I own a glossy 26", but when I upgrade will be going back to matte. The glossy looks great, but only until the sun starts to rise or set and washes the whole monitor out.
I own a glossy 26", but when I upgrade will be going back to matte. The glossy looks great, but only until the sun starts to rise or set and washes the whole monitor out.

If you're talking about your own flat, you probably have one of those:

- venetian blinds
- vertical blinds
- roller blinds
- curtains
- drapes
- other ....

So how can the sun be an issue .... ? Sure AG is great (mandatory) thing at the office, but at home ?

Don't mind my sarcastic comment, but I've been trying to find a worthy successor of my old Nec 20WGX2 Pro model - which against all common sense - still produces superior picture to almost anything that can be found now (and for far more than that monitor was worth at the release).

I'd love to find something like: no AG + 16:10 + pivot + ips + standard gamut . Anything like that around or in say - coming year ?