Giving up PC Gaming?

Corners of walls my ass. jaggies will be everywhere without AA and in some games (RDR) it makes everything look so horrid.

Jaggies don't bother me none, I will be happy just to play rdr, hell I bought a 360 to play rdr
Why would you need to upgrade so often or bitch about PC gaming?

Considering that the bulk of today's games are console ports or developed with console porting in mind, the graphic requirements are just stupid-dumb.

Which is a good reason to get Eyefinity or the like.
So many PC guys in the console forum grasping at straws to keep just one more PC gamer around. lol
I can barely even play on the consoles even more. The games look and feel so bad compared to my "old" PC that it drives me nuts.
The kind of visual fidelity you can achieve on a high PPI LCD at 1920x1080/1920x1200 with 4x or 8xAA and 16x anisotropic filtering is just incredible. I'd guess that, in the next few years, we'll start seeing 120 PPI or greater LED-backlit displays, and gaming on those, especially in Eyefinity/Surround, is going to be absolutely awe-inspiring.

You need a lot of muscle to do it right, but when you can do it right, looking at the rarely-even-720p, un-antialiased, trilinear-filtered output of a console is downright painful. There are obviously a handful of games that render natively at 1080p, and I'm sure those games look excellent on a big TV sitting some ways away, but that currently isn't the norm with console gaming at the moment.

I'm not knocking consoles either: they do what they're designed to do fantastically well. It takes one look at Rage to see that they're immensely powerful machines for what they cost. They just aren't specifically tailored for the kind of fidelity many PC gamers have become accustomed to.
Facts are facts...regardless, I own everything.

Me too, its still funny to watch some people squirm when someone wants to buy a console. We're all gamers, who gives a shit how we enjoy our hobby? My wife who plays Viva Pinata and Farmville is not different than some guy who builds all of his gaming PCs and only plays the most hardcore of hardcore games at the craziest resolutions and AA. In the end, they both play games.

They both enjoying gaming, and I can reassure you my wife doesn't spend her free time lurking internet forums trying to prove otherwise.

edit. Also, she has tits so the scale tips in her favor (I'm biased).
double edit. Thinking about it, I bet some PC guy gamers have tits as well ... Ok scale even again.
Me too, its still funny to watch some people squirm when someone wants to buy a console. We're all gamers, who gives a shit how we enjoy our hobby? My wife who plays Viva Pinata and Farmville is not different than some guy who builds all of his gaming PCs and only plays the most hardcore of hardcore games at the craziest resolutions and AA. In the end, they both play games.

They both enjoying gaming, and I can reassure you my wife doesn't spend her free time lurking internet forums trying to prove otherwise.

edit. Also, she has tits so the scale tips in her favor (I'm biased).
double edit. Thinking about it, I bet some PC guy gamers have tits as well ... Ok scale even again.

Agreed...people try and make silly arguments on both sides. If someone enjoys it....more power to them.
"We all serve one master. One king, and his name is Gaming. Forever may he reign."
-Kevin Butler
this is so tiresome. you dont have to upgrade yearly or even every other year to play the latest and greatest, just get used to turning down/off AA/HDR/AF and you'll be fine. it will still look good and be playable, obviously those things are not that important since you are willing to go console exclusive.

I have a 360 and play sports games on it mostly but I keep my PC around to play anything else I want to play...I spent the christmas/new year season playing Steam Winter sale purchases (DOW collection, DOW2, Burnout Paradise, TQ/TQ:ET) and my machine is a opteron 146 at 2.5ghz, 2Gigs of ram, EVGA 7800gt...Burnout still looked better than on xbox and all games ran great at max resolution. I even fired up Batman AA demo without issue. also use this machine for movie rips/encoding. will probably not turn it on for gaming until fall/winter cause my office gets a little too hot when it is on (especially in the summer :D)

anyway, good luck.
Agreed...people try and make silly arguments on both sides. If someone enjoys it....more power to them.

Yep. I've wondering why some gamers in general are so defensive and so elitist when it comes to their hobby. The most logical answer I can think of is that traditionally gaming (in general) has been a male hobby. A past time for Y chromosome wielding nerds who modify, max out their systems all the while geeking out on past memories.

Here we are in 2010, modern consoles are fairly powerful and allow the average Joe to enjoy gaming on a similar level to what in the past has been exclusive only to those knowledgeable and nerdy enough to figure it out. Couple that with Facebook gaming, the Wii, the largest group of gamers growing in size being Women and in general ... gaming becoming more socially acceptible ...

... I think a lot of gamers are having a hard time dealing with the fact that their precious hobby is no longer an exclusive right of passage. Thus, reclusive movements into the one realm that hasn't gone mainstream.. PC. Hide there and attack everyone from a distance, holding out on the hope that everyone will just go away and gaming can return to its glory days of Mountain Dew, Pizza Hut and virginity.
It just seems like the pc guys bash consoles all the time on here. Sure it's [H] but it does have a console section. I do understand the super high res and aa does look nice to you pc guys but even when I played on my pc I never went above 12x7 res, and the games looked good enough for me.

Like said above we are all gamers, time for us to quit bitching and fighting with each other and spend more time enjoying our games..
So many PC guys in the console forum grasping at straws to keep just one more PC gamer around. lol

When you see guy standing on the roof preparing to take that one last step it's normal human emotion to try to stop him ;)
The kind of visual fidelity you can achieve on a high PPI LCD at 1920x1080/1920x1200 with 4x or 8xAA and 16x anisotropic filtering is just incredible. I'd guess that, in the next few years, we'll start seeing 120 PPI or greater LED-backlit displays, and gaming on those, especially in Eyefinity/Surround, is going to be absolutely awe-inspiring.

You need a lot of muscle to do it right, but when you can do it right, looking at the rarely-even-720p, un-antialiased, trilinear-filtered output of a console is downright painful. There are obviously a handful of games that render natively at 1080p, and I'm sure those games look excellent on a big TV sitting some ways away, but that currently isn't the norm with console gaming at the moment.

I'm not knocking consoles either: they do what they're designed to do fantastically well. It takes one look at Rage to see that they're immensely powerful machines for what they cost. They just aren't specifically tailored for the kind of fidelity many PC gamers have become accustomed to.

I think you are confusing "PC gamer" with "PC enthusiast". A lot of people that buy and play games on PCs are running some shitty hardware. Look at the Steam surveys or check out support forums for some newer games. Most people buying games cannot render them in 1080P with 4xAA turned on.
I just wish the quality of PC games was being maintained. Now that almost every game is cross-platform and consoles almost ALWAYS seem to be the primary concern for the development team, well... the quality of the "final" product is just pitiful on the PC side of things. So frustrating when you spend all the money for a decent gaming PC only to continually get broken, unfinished, ported from consoles, pieces of shit.
I'm not knocking consoles either: they do what they're designed to do fantastically well. It takes one look at Rage to see that they're immensely powerful machines for what they cost. They just aren't specifically tailored for the kind of fidelity many PC gamers have become accustomed to.

Agreed. Rage made me do a double take and ask myself, "Is this really running on an XBox 360?" Bayonetta impressed me as well with it's vivid and detailed graphics. Other new titles coming out also look pretty good.

I just wish the quality of PC games was being maintained. Now that almost every game is cross-platform and consoles almost ALWAYS seem to be the primary concern for the development team, well... the quality of the "final" product is just pitiful on the PC side of things. So frustrating when you spend all the money for a decent gaming PC only to continually get broken, unfinished, ported from consoles, pieces of shit.

Which is why I bought a 360 and am going to cut way back on my spending on PC hardware (e.g. no Core i7 this year, no 58x0, etc. and probably just a new upper midrange GPU next year so I don't miss out on anything worthwhile that takes advantage of DX11) until I start seeing a real difference. Until then, I'm happy with my current system. It's more than enough for now.
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Personally i'm extremely happy I gave up on pc gaming. I'm enjoying rdr as we speak. The pc doesn't get any games that ate exclusives that I want to play. Shit crysis is coming to the console lol.

I do agree with the post above about the pc gamer and pc enthusiast. Most ppl have dual cores and mid range or less gpus. Hell I played at 12x7 with a stock e6850 and 8800gs and it ran my games perfectly fine. I've always been a console gamer so when I came to pc I was fine with 720p res, it was just like the consoles.
The only reasons why I switched back to console are these.
1. Cost, it's way cheaper to pay $200 for a 360 then to build a decent pc
2. Games, the ones I want to play are on console, rdr, madden, fnr4, and 2k10
3. Useage, it's much easier to sit back on the couch or in my chair and play the games
4. Friends, none of my friends play on pc, I have about 15 friends on 360
5. Ole lady, it's much easier to justify a $200 360 then it is a $500 CPU,ram,mobo gpu combo
what keeps me from switching to consoles is the low price of pc games. I would have literally spent about $3000-$4000 MORE on console games over the last 3-4 years compared to what I paid to have them on the pc.
i've been thinking about getting a 360 or ps3 since I've been without one for a while now

but steam sales are cheap and keep me busy
Get a 360 man, then get on craigslist and get ya some cheap games. I just traded 2gb of ram here for rdr but I have seen rdr on my local CL for $35, aswell as bc2 for $35 and mw2 for $35

I've owned 2 360's before, the one was a launch and broke down, I sold the second one to build a gaming pc, needless to say I sold the pc and bought a new 360 when target had that deal for $130 plus $50 gift card. I'm not going back to pc gaming, I'll build a new pc but it's not gonna be for gaming lol.

Buck for buck the consoles simply cannot be beat, the ps3 has better exclusives by far but I prefer the 360 controller any day of the week, plus the updates and downloads are so much faster on xbox.
I pretty much gave up on PC gaming, smartest idea I ever had. I was kinda sad at first. I've been gaming since Wolf 3d on the PC and always enjoyed it. I'd go on rants about how it was the "superior" platform. But then I realized I couldn't have been more wrong.

I kinda know when it all started to fall apart for me. Back in the day many gaming upgrades really improved my computing experience outside of gaming. More RAM and a faster CPU was always good, so I never really felt like the money ways wasted, and new tech didn't come out any faster. Today for all "standard" tasks (office, browsing, remoting into servers, watching movies, ect) my laptop does all of these just as well as my gaming machines. So all the money spent on quadcores, gobs of ram, multi GPU and multi monitor set-ups to truly get the "superior" version of the game or the real experience, is a royal waste of cash for everything else. It's simply a way to milk money out of people and I was stupid enough to spend it. If you want to spend the cash on it, more power to you. It's just turning into an even worse investment rapidly and I don't see that trend slowing down.

Consoles have online gaming as well now. And while you can argue about things like dedicated servers and mods make PC gaming better, you know, I don't miss them at all. And for a lot of the games I do play (mainly fighters now) the community is far larger and the quality of players much better on the console side of things. I'm sure this varies game for game, but to say any platforms online experience is better across the board is ridiculous.

I don't plan on purchasing another gaming system anytime soon. As it stands the ones I have are mainly overly expensive web browsing systems that I honestly regret spending money on. Most of my friends have taken the same route and when people come over, well... gaming on console kicks the crap out of PC gaming. My next PC purchase, I can safely say it's going to be a while. But it won't have anything to do with gaming.

Right now I'd take a slower, cooler running, system that's small, but can't run any games over a top of the line rig. I won't need that power, and I'd rather have small and quiet.

Maybe the price of hardware will drop massively and high end PC gaming will be less about shooting for the stars and more about having fun.

I really blame companies like nvidia for a lot of this. Prices of GPU's are going up and multi GPU and other hardware trends are what they really like. But at the same time the average computer user is wanting something more portable and less power sucking.
Quality graphics cards are cheaper than they've ever been - the 5770 and 5850 bring loads of value considering the performance they deliver. And this whole "oh I have to upgrade it every few months" is so silly because you don't have to upgrade. Most new PC games don't take advantage of cutting-edge tech as it is (Metro 2033 the only game since Crysis to reward high-end rigs). My PC matches the consoles in graphics/performance and I paid AU$600 two years ago. This myth that you have to have a $2000+ rig and then feed it hundreds of dollars every few months to play PC games is ludicrous. So what if you can't run the game that came out last week at "Ultra" because you built a PC to run the game that came out two years ago at "Ultra"? Turn down AA or something else and ka-zam! Awesome playability and still great graphics.

I'm not rabidly advocating PC over console - I own both. Only the most avid enthusiast constantly upgrades his/her machine. According to Steam, the average PC gamer uses a dual-core CPU and a graphics card from 2007, and plays at 1280x1024. Still an equal standard to consoles, and frigging cheap to build.

I also don't understand why one has to choose one or the other (this goes for PC gamers as well) unless there's a budget to consider. Fighters and racers are perfectly suited to consoles with their same-room battles with friends, whereas PC and the almighty mouse are perfect for online fragging and RTS games. If you are a real gamer, why limit yourself?
I also don't understand why one has to choose one or the other (this goes for PC gamers as well) unless there's a budget to consider. Fighters and racers are perfectly suited to consoles with their same-room battles with friends, whereas PC and the almighty mouse are perfect for online fragging and RTS games. If you are a real gamer, why limit yourself?

You vote with your wallet. I support console gaming given the current situation and I'd rather companies focus on consoles. I'll buy low budget indie games on PC that show some innovation. I support that. Large budget blockbusters, if it's on console that's where I'm going to buy it. If it's PC only I'll wait a year or two till it's in the budget bin and I can run it off an average laptop at full tilt.

I see no need to buy things that follow a model that doesn't suit my needs. I skipped most of the PS1-PS2 era to game on PC, and even the start of the PS3 generation. Since dropping PC gaming for the most part I haven't been happier or enjoyed gaming this much in a long time. For me, it was the right move.
Pc gaming is fine if your a solo gamer, you won't be able to play madden or fight night with a friend on pc. The console community is huge, ppl want to play with ppl they actually know, not someone they met on a forum. We want to brag about having a excellent game of cod.

One big thing that gets me is cheaters. On pc you have aimbot, wall hacks, boosted servers that you don't choose to get into, you just get thrown into them. I haven't seen 1 cheater in mw2 on 360. You don't have shit for sports games, the little you have there is a small amount of ppl playing them.

You don't have to upgrade shit on console, just pop it in and play. On pc you have to read recommended specs, see tons of threads of can my rig run this or that. Unless you have a awesome expensive rig. Pc gaming is a niche market. I don't care what anyone says games on consoles look damn good. Look at uncharted, little big planet. Those games are awesome looking, and they are running on consoles, not a I7 and gtx 470.
I think the best way to compare a console to a pc is this. Spend $600 or whatever it is on a new launch console, then build a complete tower with a os for the same price. 5 years later see how well you can run the games on pc without upgrading any of your pc parts.

If you buy all the pc parts new your not gonna have a great rig at all. Sure you can run most games but when shit like bc2 comes out you can't play it, even at low res. Buck for buck the console cannot be beat, I don't care who says the pc is better $ for $ the pc simply cannot beat the console.
I know I got all caught up in the upgrade bug a while ago, I spent a good amount of cash and my performance increase was a waste of time and cash. It's the damn video cards that get ya. The oohhh aahh shiny new gpu that costs $400 or more barely delivers more then last gens $200 card. I went thru 4 CPUs, 3 mobos, and 4 video cards before I learned the hard way.

After my last pc I said hell with it I'm done. I don't have to upgrade anything with my xbox. Console gaming FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the best way to compare a console to a pc is this. Spend $600 or whatever it is on a new launch console, then build a complete tower with a os for the same price. 5 years later see how well you can run the games on pc without upgrading any of your pc parts.

If you buy all the pc parts new your not gonna have a great rig at all. Sure you can run most games but when shit like bc2 comes out you can't play it, even at low res. Buck for buck the console cannot be beat, I don't care who says the pc is better $ for $ the pc simply cannot beat the console.

A PC does more than a console does though. Even if I wasn't a gamer I would still have a computer and since I have no need for a laptop it would be a desktop computer. So personally I can justify spending more on a gameing PC than a console. Now if you want a system just for playing games then I could recommend consoles (unless your only going to play mmo and rts).
It just seems like the pc guys bash consoles all the time on here. Sure it's [H] but it does have a console section. I do understand the super high res and aa does look nice to you pc guys but even when I played on my pc I never went above 12x7 res, and the games looked good enough for me.

Like said above we are all gamers, time for us to quit bitching and fighting with each other and spend more time enjoying our games..

Are you serious? I'm unsure if your trolling or just need medical attention. Not like these were posts were years ago, only several weeks.

Everyone can have a shift in perspective, but you were one of the more active bashers that you are now criticizing.

I own a gaming PC, Xbox 360, and Wii just for reference.

Here ya go, go to microcenter or equivalent store in your area
buy core i3 530 for $100 buy $100 mobo and $100 or cheaper ram. There you have it up to date mobo CPU and ram. If you need a new video card then sell your current mobo CPU ram and 9600gso and use that cash to buy a better video card.

I have had my fair share of 360 breakdowns and this is how I look at it now.
Don't expect reliability when you buy hardware from a software maker
360 sucks I'll never buy another 360 again. Most of the 360 games are on pc anyways plus the pc games look so much damn better.
There are good racing games on pc, fable should probably be on pc too I don't see why not, it's just a more enjoyable experince on pc. If you get the i3 530 overclock the shot out of it and you'll have a screaming dual core CPU. At least with the i3 530 you'll be able to drop in a i7 later and have a quad if you want.

Don't buy the 360, just use a 360 controller and play your racing games on pc. They will look so much better then the crap box 180 for sure. Just Hook the pc up to your HDTV and call it a day.
Pc is so much better for gamin then a xbox man.

I remember when I first took the plunge to pc, I kept my 360 and did a side
by side comparison of cod4 and it looked so much better on pc. I sold my 360 that same
day after I did the comparison.

If your gonna stick with consolE gaming at least get a ps3

Mods, more mods and even more mods. It will look so much better and you'll use the pc alot more as it will run so much better with new hardware...
Don't buy another piece of ms hardware junk, you owe it to yourself to have
a great gaming experince on pc.

I have a family too and alot of responsibilities but I be damned if I'm gonna settle for crummy console graphics anymore. Do the pc route. Just use a 360 controller for your racing games and enjoy the much better graphics...
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I own a PC (E8400, ATI HI 4870), a PS3, a PS2, a Wii, and a DS. Most time playing games is spent on (from most to least):
1. PC
2. PS3
3. Wii
4. DS
5. PS2

At the end of the day it all depends on what type of games you prefer. Some games play better (or at least equal) on consoles, but the lack of high resolution and the lack of precise control (no matter how good you get with your thumbs) will always give PC games an edge on games where those details matter. Likewise I enjoy the party games the Wii brings to the table on my LN52B750 such as Boom Blox, or Wii Resort. I enjoy the driving/racing games on the PS3.

If you want to quit PC gaming, heck, go for it, in reality no one really cares what you do.
Lol at the post above, just weeks ago was when I was getting my mind right and finally realized pc gaming is a waste for me. Sure I had bad luck with ms before heck I might have bad luck again. I just have too many personal friends that have consoles and I enjoy playing with them.

If you have the money to blow on a nice gaming pc by all means go for it, I just don't like it that much anymore. When cod4 came out I loved pc gaming, there was alot of good games out at the time and none of my friends really had a console. I didn't really have anyone to play with on console that's why I built the pc.

The kicker for me is I like sports games and majority of my friends play sports games on consoles, that's why I bought one and I didn't want to dump any money into the pc I had to be able to enjoy bc2, metro 2033, or wait forever for red dead redemption.

I am alot wiser now, that's for sure. A couple weeks ago I had a decent amount of cash saved up, I thought about upgrading to a nice pc but then I thought about not having anyone to play with. Sure I can play with anyone online but I have a much better time playing with ppl I actually know. We get together and have full lobbies of free for all and even ground war on mw2, I simply couldn't do that on pc.
Really it all boils down to this.
Play what ya want, on what ya want, with who ya want. If you have friends on pc go for it, if not buy a console. I loved pc gaming I really did, but I got tired of pc getting the shaft and not getting the games I wanted to play. I was so happy when gta4 came to pc. Only to find out with a q9400 at 3.6ghz and a hd4850 that the game still ran like ass at 12x7 res.

Mods are cool, ded servers are cool too, but at this time in my life pc gaming is just not worth it. It's much easier to just put in the disc and play on a console. No tweaking settings, no ppl cheating by lowering their settings and basically seeing thru trees.

Another reason I switched was I got a microlaminectomy and a discectomy on may 18th. It was way too hard to play on pc, even my crappy rig ran fo3 at high and mw2 maxxed but I simply couldn't be comfortable playing. I had a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard too, I played it on the couch just like I do now with my 360. It was still too difficult to play good. I used a 360 controller for fo3 as it is a gfwl game but it just felt weird and unnatural for some reason.
My thing is when I upgraded I didn't see a ton of a difference like I thought I would and it felt like
I jus threw money down the drain. I had a 64x2 5000+ CPU and 8800gt and I wanted more. I got a e8400 and a 9800gtx, then I got a q9400 and a hd4850, then I got a e6850 and a 8800gs.

I saw no difference in cod4 between all those setups. I saw a difference in gta4 when I went to the quad but it still ran like shit. Lost planet had a decent fps bump but it was still playable with a dual core. I think right now the videocards aren't giving enough of a performance increase.

The ati cards are by far the best as you can do eyefinity and eye fin is sweet. I can't justify buying 3 monitors and a $3-$400 video card tho. If I had the cash and the space I would get 3 32inch LCD HDTV for cheap and run eye fin off that. If your gonna do eye fin do it big lol.

Maybe one day when I become better off financially I will come back to pc gaming but it won't be soon. I was just so pissed off when I checked my records. I ran alot of benchmarks, I recorded it from each machine also so I could directly compare the performance increase from the new components compared to the old ones.

I ran crysis, gta 4, re5, lost planet, and a timed in game cod4 benchmark. After building my last pc writing everything down and comparing everything is when I threw in the towel.
We are all different, some of us want max aa, super high res and high framerates. Myself I never used aa as it didn't make a huge difference to me. I saw no difference between res changes, my framerate was always good. I didn't need max settings but I didn't want the game to look or play like ass. The upgrade bug is a bitch, I finally learned to not waste my money as I don't really need to upgrade...
Wow Bman, you trying to hide a wall of text behind multiple posts? :p lol

Anyway, I still only own a PC, have for the past 3 years (well I own an original Xbox too, but haven't touched that in years). When I bought my PC, I needed a computer either way for work, so the price difference between a gaming PC and a regular work PC was just the cost of the graphics card and slightly higher end CPU, which made it cheaper than buying an Xbox 360 and a separate work-only computer (got an E6600, 8800GTS 320mb). That computer lasted me fine for 2 and a half years, after those 2 and a half years games still looked great. May not have been able to max them out, but they still looked fine and most console ports looked better on my 2 and a half year old PC than the consoles. At no stage did I feel the need to search forums to know if my PC would run a game, it would always run any game out, it was just a question of what settings it'd run at.

I upgraded at the start of this year again because of work. The 2gb ram and e6600 in my old PC wasn't enough to run the stuff I needed to run for work, sold the old stuff for a couple of hundred and upgraded to an i5 which in the end cost me less than a console.

So basically I've been PC gaming for 3 years and its only cost me the price of a 360 above what I would have spent on computing anyway. Really I think that's the best way to do PC gaming, its only expensive if you catch the upgrade bug and feel the need to buy every new graphics card that comes out.