Gigabyte 7600GT Silent Pipe II on M2N32-SLI?


Jul 8, 2006
Hi, I'm new here. :p

I got a question for ya. I'm building a new rig but I'm not ordering until the AMD price cuts take effect on the 24th of July.

Anyway, I want the M2N32-SLI and a Zalman CNPS 9500 AM2. I've seen pictures of this setup and everything seems to fit nicely.
However I'm worried that I'll have clearance issues with the Gigabyte 7600GT that has passive cooling. One of the heatsinks is behind the card and I'm worried that it may touch the NB or the Zalman.

Does anyone here have the 7600GT with Silent Pipe II and can tell me how wide it is? If it would possibly pose a problem? Obviously it would be best if someone else has the exact same setup and simply tells me that it works, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
A clear picture that shows how much clearance there is between the gfx card and the Zalman on the M2N32-SLI would probably help as well.

I'm in hawaii and it would suck if I have to send stuff back to newegg. It would render my system useless for at least 7-10 days :(

Thanks a bunch. :)

Oh, if you want to see pictures of the passive cooler, check here:,+Lead+Free+Video+Card+-+Retail
I can't say about the Zalman but I will tell you that it comes awful close to contacting the chipset heatsinks on the M2N32 SLI itself, in fact it may even be touching slightly.