Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter


Jan 20, 2005
Has anyone played Advanced Warfighter over xbox live yet?

I enjoyed Rainbow 6 on xbox live and Ghost Recon was also a blast, just wondering how this stacks up.

Honestly I am thinking of buying a 360 for this game. I havent been too excited about a 360 but now that Advanced Warfighter is out I might have to pick one up even if it is coming out for PC.
I heard its pretty sweet and intense. Im waiting for the PC version myself as I dont own a 360, but I do plan on getting it.
The online is awesome, I believe the online part of the game was done seperate from the single player, and entirely by the guys at Red Storm, which is resonsible for the great PC Clancy games.
I said this about the MP:

The multiplayer is mediocre, at best. The server browser is absolutely awful and was probably designed by monkeys jumping up and down on keyboards. It takes a long time to update the server list to only get a few results. And the data you get is often a minute or more old, so the game that you think is in the processes of being set up actually started a short time ago. You can't join the action in the middle of a game, so you can expect to wait a while until the map is over. And, if for some reason you fail to join a server (i.e. it's full) or you leave early, you can't go back to the list of servers - you have to refresh the list again. Random disconnects from servers are common, for whatever reason. Some times nearly everyone gets the boot at once and if the host leaves then everyone goes bye bye. Once when a friend was over it took us over 30 minutes to get into a game - simply unacceptable.

When you do get into the game the maps are varied and some are better than others. I would say about half of the maps are good, the others are so-so or just plain bad. The city maps generally seem to play better than others. Plenty of game modes are available, but some are significantly more popular than others. There is CTF, FFA DM, team DM, modes where you have to control zones, and more. I tried some of the co-op missions and it can quickly become a MASSIVE zerg by the computer controlled enemy at times. Otherwise, the AI soldiers are pretty damn stupid.


Basically, it was a game designed for a console and it plays like it. If you're used to polished, refined shooters for the PC you definitely won't find it in GRAW. I would say the only saving grace for the game are the numerous play styles available and that up to 4 people can play on the same 360. Everything else is sub-standard.
You'd better hope they fix all that for the PC version, otherwise it will end up joining the ranks of many many hyped console games that don't go anywhere in the PC market.
We have played GRAW on the Hard weekends for three weeks now and have had a blast. There were some wierd server issues at first but theyve been worked out well.

Team Elimanation and the custom campaigns seem to be big favs.

I (just me talking) think the maps are varied and fun to play. I agree the city maps seem to be the most fun, but there are a couple desert maps that are pretty cool to.

Usually I play with about 4 or 6 people and that seems about right for the size of the maps.

The single player is fun and varied, the graphics are good. I think its well worht the $. The thing that the xbox brings is less online hassle. Yeah somethimes it aint perfect, but I think its overall smooth and easy to maneuver.

The PC version is supposed to be very good too. Im not an Xbox fan by any stretch, but Ive found this one game to be very fun.
I have it for the 360 and I love it. The only thing that stopped it from taking over halo 2 as my favorite online game is the server browser (Takes 5+ mins to get a game regularly) and if anyone else noticed once you join a game, who ever is a host will just start stacking the teams in their favor. Meaning all the higher ranked players will be on the hosts side and all the lower numbers get on a team. The host does pick his own team so its not true 'matchmaking".
NOL1M1TMAN said:
I have it for the 360 and I love it. The only thing that stopped it from taking over halo 2 as my favorite online game is the server browser (Takes 5+ mins to get a game regularly) and if anyone else noticed once you join a game, who ever is a host will just start stacking the teams in their favor. Meaning all the higher ranked players will be on the hosts side and all the lower numbers get on a team. The host does pick his own team so its not true 'matchmaking".

Thats at the server's discretion though- i havent really seen this happen too much. You could host your own i suppose.
I just finished up the single player campaign a few days ago and loaded up graws multiplayer for the first time last night. It was a blast. Maps, gameplay, and graphics are great. Joining a game is the only anoying part, since you have to wait for the map to end. I use too play a lot of computer games, but I havnt touched any since I bought my xbox360 a month ago.
Multiplayer is a blast, I agree the server browser could use a bit of work though. However I have only ever seen two server browsers that I actually liked, and that is on the old but VERY good Starsiege Tribes, and the new Steam server browser.
So the biggest downfall I can really see right now is the server browsers, but its probably patchable.

I just dont know if Im ready to dish out the money for a 360 yet, the thing I like about xbox live was everyone had a mic, and stats were always there, was also very streamlined when playing rainbow 6. It would deffintely be much cheaper to just wait and get it for PC.
Michael.R said:
So the biggest downfall I can really see right now is the server browsers, but its probably patchable.

I just dont know if Im ready to dish out the money for a 360 yet, the thing I like about xbox live was everyone had a mic, and stats were always there, was also very streamlined when playing rainbow 6. It would deffintely be much cheaper to just wait and get it for PC.
Also the downfall that the multiplayer is mediocre. You might enjoy it if you're relatively new to FPSs or have never played them very seriously on the PC, but I can't imagine a hardened FPS veteran enjoying it very much.
GRAW MP is great, I was playing for hours the other night. I'm actually getting good at FPSers with a controller now .. it makes gaming SO much more enjoyable ;)
I've been trying to finish up SP before moving onto playing in MP. Then again I have'nt had time really, but I think I'm almost done with it.
dotK said:
I said this about the MP:

The multiplayer is mediocre, at best. The server browser is absolutely awful and was probably designed by monkeys jumping up and down on keyboards. It takes a long time to update the server list to only get a few results. And the data you get is often a minute or more old, so the game that you think is in the processes of being set up actually started a short time ago. You can't join the action in the middle of a game, so you can expect to wait a while until the map is over. And, if for some reason you fail to join a server (i.e. it's full) or you leave early, you can't go back to the list of servers - you have to refresh the list again. Random disconnects from servers are common, for whatever reason. Some times nearly everyone gets the boot at once and if the host leaves then everyone goes bye bye. Once when a friend was over it took us over 30 minutes to get into a game - simply unacceptable.

When you do get into the game the maps are varied and some are better than others. I would say about half of the maps are good, the others are so-so or just plain bad. The city maps generally seem to play better than others. Plenty of game modes are available, but some are significantly more popular than others. There is CTF, FFA DM, team DM, modes where you have to control zones, and more. I tried some of the co-op missions and it can quickly become a MASSIVE zerg by the computer controlled enemy at times. Otherwise, the AI soldiers are pretty damn stupid.


Basically, it was a game designed for a console and it plays like it. If you're used to polished, refined shooters for the PC you definitely won't find it in GRAW. I would say the only saving grace for the game are the numerous play styles available and that up to 4 people can play on the same 360. Everything else is sub-standard.

you referencing to the xbox 360 verison of this game?if so,it will probably be easier to patch