Getting ready to order this build


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2004
What do you think? It's being built with gaming most in mind but also as my primary and general use computer. I don't buy Intel processors and I really have no desire to get into that argument with anyone. It's a personal choice and I hope we can leave it at that.

$130 - Gigabyte 890GPA-UD3H Motherboard
$180 - AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition
$300 - XFX HD585XZAFC Radeon HD 5850
$225 - Intel X25-M 80GB SSD
$110 - G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB)
$90 - COOLER MASTER Storm Scout

Already bought:

CORSAIR CMPSU-650TX 650W - Got at BestBuy for $85, and I had a $50 gift card.
Samsung SpinPoint F3 HD103SJ - Got for $65 at ewiz.

Total: $1185

Anything wrong with that video card for example? I picked it because I'm not overly fond of the look of this one. I don't necessarily mean cosmetically just that it looks cheap and flimsy.

I've seen a lot of talking up of the PII T1055 but best I can tell the PII 965 outperforms it in most games. Yeah it would be cool to say I have a six-core CPU but I really don't do anything that would utilize all of the cores so considering that with the better gaming performance of the 965 is how I decided on the CPU.

The motherboard may seem like overkill and I know I can get something cheaper, but it has good reviews and seems somewhat future-proof.

I've went round and round with myself about the case and I've settled on the Storm Scout, albeit tentatively. It's really more than I want to pay for a case but I just wasn't satisfied with many of the other choices under that price point. I actually like the PSU at the bottom even though many seem not to and the cable management is something that I definitely want. I'm tired of my PCs looking like rats nests inside. The button to the turn the lights on the fans off is also welcomed. A single LED at night can sometimes be too bright. Still I'm more than happy to look at any recommendations for other cases people might have, especially if it costs less than the Storm Scout.

Thanks for your opinions.
I think you can get the amd phenom ii 955 be for $20 less, if you plan to OC it might be the better choice. but, I think that's the only thing I'd really change, the rest looks pretty good (may be look at a decent heatsink to toss in there).
I am with skull angel, x4 955 or spend little more for x6 1055t.

Case suggestion would be CM 690 II as scout doesn't like long video cards.
I definitely appreciate your suggestions and I see what you're saying about the 955 over the 965. That's something I debated with myself even and eventually decided that I'm okay with the extra $20 for 200MHz high clock since I won't be overclocking. I'm unfortunately not very enthusiastic about overclocking anymore, I just want things to work well at stock. I also like that it would be easy to upgrade the CPU to a 6-core later down the road if I wanted / needed to.

lt_shiro thanks for suggesting the CM690 II. I like the look of it better than the Storm Scout and it's $10 cheaper (plus another $10 MIR). I'm going to go ahead and change my order to it. I knew I must be overlooking some better case choices. :)
Since you don't need onboard video consider the GA-870A-UD3

You get the same southbridge, eSATA, better SATA connector placement (depending on your case) and better CPU power (8 phase vs 4)

Thanks Antimatter but I guess I'm pretty satisfied with the board choice. Due in part to this [H] review of it. I don't mind the lack of eSATA as I currently have no eSATA devices and I feel like the USB3 will fill that void. I actually like the side-ways SATA ports. I've fought with SATA ports turned the other way for a long time and always found it annoying so I hope it will be a breath of fresh air.
Went ahead and ordered the case (CM 690 II Basic) and memory from Newegg (also threw in a DVD burner for $20). I had a $50 gift card I've been waiting to spend anyway. Will probably be going ahead and ordering the rest from TD very shortly (for the BCB).
ok Tiger doesnt have the best deals on those remaining parts.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GHz + XFX HD-585X-ZNFV Radeon HD 5850 1GB + AMD Gift Coupon - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat $469.98

I know its .2 gig lower but amd's free program AOD will do that for free for you!

That was one of the combos that I did strongly consider but what swayed me to TD was the BCB. I ordered my parts from them last night and ended up getting $100 BCB.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone.