Getting past encryption!!


Mar 25, 2005
The network at my school has recenty switched to encryption , which really pisses me off , because the network is there for a reason... I am wondering if anyone knows how to get past this without knowing the password. I am usually on my laptop in class, but I am also wondering if there is a way to get past it on an ipaq with a Sandisc wireless card. I'm a freshman , so this would be helpfull for my upcoming three years at this hell hole.
ThreeCub3d said:
The network at my school has recenty switched to encryption , which really pisses me off , because the network is there for a reason... I am wondering if anyone knows how to get past this without knowing the password. I am usually on my laptop in class, but I am also wondering if there is a way to get past it on an ipaq with a Sandisc wireless card. I'm a freshman , so this would be helpfull for my upcoming three years at this hell hole.
ThreeCub3d said:
The network at my school has recenty switched to encryption , which really pisses me off , because the network is there for a reason... I am wondering if anyone knows how to get past this without knowing the password. I am usually on my laptop in class, but I am also wondering if there is a way to get past it on an ipaq with a Sandisc wireless card. I'm a freshman , so this would be helpfull for my upcoming three years at this hell hole.
First, you must get the cypher. usually, you can use something like ethereal to sniff the packets. Get enough of them, and you have the cypher. Now, you must put the cypher back together: Basically you just match of the end of the last packet's bits with the beginning of the next packets' bits.

And so on and so forth.

Once you have that all put together, you just install it on your machine and you're set!
Dont forget that in order to break any form of encryption, you must be using AOL. Only AOL includes the proper drivers to allow you to recompile decrypted bits from the various packets.
Boscoh said:
Dont forget that in order to break any form of encryption, you must be using AOL. Only AOL includes the proper drivers to allow you to recompile decrypted bits from the various packets.

rofl. :D
And don't forget that while haxx0ring the l33t netw0rk, if you see a small bunny run across your screen, that means you've haxx0red the Matrix, and Agents are coming for you!