Getting an A64 3000+, which core?

I don't know how you can recommend any of those combos, known of them are very good deal. For the person who recommends the 3200+ because of crappy ram - ever heard of a divider? A64's aren't hurt by running async. Get the 9nda3j and 3000+ from mwave gauranteed 2.5 ghz and maybe up to 2.7 ghz on a great board (both retail boxed and only $245 for both)- if people are recommending otherwise please state why.
Can you link me to a review of the Epox board? I've had a couple of other reccomendations, and I want to read up on it, first. Also, it has "nVidia" in it's name, so (this may be a stupid question) will that effect my 9600XT in any way? I note you have it in your sig as well, were there any problems?
Link to a review of all popular A64 boards

link to a thread on the board itself

you should really be willing to do some research yourself....and if not listen to other peoples advice....don't ask them to do the research for you. How hard is it to google a motherboards name and "review"?
I understand your annoyance, but I did google exactly what you told me, and it didn't yeild too much. I'm not a n00b, I swear ^^
Currently, WoW and 1.6. I would play more HL2/Source, but the performace I am getting is unacceptable with my current setup.
i find wow to actually be graphically intensive. with the rez at 1280x1024 4xAA+16xAF, i drop down to about 45fps in some parts, or when there's alot of people the framerate drops, but i think that's cpu-related.

if you drop the rez, does the average fps go up? (get fps by hitting ctrl-r if you didn't know before)
Probably, but I won't play in any res lower than 10x7. I have it set at 10x7 with pretty much everything maxed and I hold between 30 and 40, which is more than enough to play that game well.

In other news, I've all but decided on the 3000+ Winchester and the EpoX 9NDA3J :D
lopoetve said:
My experience says avoid the Winchester core at all costs, but I'll be outvoted.

I'd buy the fastest Clawhammer or Newcastle core you can. The winchester is a mess for stability and reliability (in my experience, again).

Mine has been incredibly stable. The few reports of instability I have seen have resulted in either a mainboard undervolting the CPU (my Winchester ran 100% stable stock speeds undervolted at 1.36v by my mainboard; I upped voltage a little for current overclocking), an early mainboard BIOS with poor recognition of the Winchester core, a dodgy power supply, or from memory timing settings. I'm running 225MHz FSB at 1T 2.5-4-4-8 right now on PC3200 memory; I've been able to run at 240MHz (albeit with memory errors) and been able to post at 250MHz, though neither of those tests were exhaustive, so I'll probably try and boost things again soon.
i'd check out the combo deals available at

the 3000+ winchester and a Gigabyte 8KNS-939 should do just fine.

i have a 3000+ and 8KNS Ultra-939 right now. i've got the CPU at 2.5GHz using the stock HSF. the RAM runs just fine in dual channel above 400MHz.

i heard from other members here that the gigabyte boards won't do DCDDR 400, but my board works just fine. maybe they got bum boards.
I just got the same combo (3000, 9NDA3J). Im excited now to see what it will do.

I have 2-512 sticks of Ballistix PC4000 all going in a Cooler Master Praetorian.....OMFG CANT WAIT, must have it NOW yes NOW.
one bit of advice, use the 2 dimms farthest from the cpu for your ram. and for those that are going to OC. Make sure to turn the HTT multiplier to 3.
Sorry to threadjack, but why is no one reccomending the DFI Nf3 board for socket 740. Does this board suck? I understand most here would reccomend the 939 boards, but some may go 740 for various reasons.
Socrilles17 said:
one bit of advice, use the 2 dimms farthest from the cpu for your ram. and for those that are going to OC. Make sure to turn the HTT multiplier to 3.

is there issues or something with the first 2 slots? Running in the 2 farthest is that in Dual Channel?

Thanks for the tip btw =)
even if you don't overclock, the k8n neo2 is a far better board than the a8v. an extra two sata ports, more raid options, an extra lan port, and the nvidia lan chip is off the pci bus, thus lowering cpu usage and significantly improving bandwidth. to go with this, there is a hardware firewall...
and ontop of all this, the neo2 has a better audio solution.
all in all, it's a better board. worth the extra $40? it depends, but i think so
some people have reported problems using the first two slots in dual channel...a bios update on the 9nda3+ fixes this but one hasn't been released for the 9nda3j, the only other down side of the epox boards is max vdimm is 2.8 V
My two sticks of RAM are from different manufacturers anyway, so I won't be doing dual channel anyway. Will it matter which slots I put my RAM in if I'm not using it in dual channel mode?