German Heavy Metal Music Festival Builds Beer Pipeline to Preserve the Environment

2 feet 6" is probably fine as grass for animal feed is a huge crop often in Europe. That doesn't need ploughing. I would assume as its for festival use its just a grass field.
Not a bad idea but I am not drinking as much beer as I used to. Water is serving me well enough these days. dgz is getting boring :/

off topic
What's with the crazy units, cageymaru? It's fine to use imperial but at least provide the original numbers if you have them. I raised my brow at feet, gallons, and miles but what did it for me was the use of quarts. I am not even going to check what that is.

I am sure the original metrics were not available at the time of posting. I see someone has edited it.
I lived in Germany for three years a long time ago. It is common for a bar to have a line directly piped to the brewery.