George Lucas Reveals His Original Plan for the “Star Wars” Sequel Trilogy


Aug 20, 2006
Unsurprisingly, George Lucas’ ideas for the Star Wars sequels are wildly different to what Disney had given audiences: in an interview with James Cameron, the creator revealed that his movies would have revolved around the Whills, a set of creatures who “feed off the Force” and are “controlling the universe.” The concept of midi-chlorians, which was introduced in The Phantom Menace, would have likely been revisited and elaborated upon.

"If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done," he continued. "Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did 'Phantom Menace' and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told."
If it had been anything like Plagueis the book, it could have been amazing.
I read that and could not believe how awful the story/plot was. I hated episodes 1-3. They were some of the worst movies I've ever watched.
What baffles me is he was pressing forward knowing his fan base hated his story. I guess he had the money and god-like credibility over creating the original movies. New Hope and Empire are both good, Jedi had a lot of cringe in it - teddy bears? Fuck off.
I read that and could not believe how awful the story/plot was. I hated episodes 1-3. They were some of the worst movies I've ever watched.
What baffles me is he was pressing forward knowing his fan base hated his story. I guess he had the money and god-like credibility over creating the original movies. New Hope and Empire are both good, Jedi had a lot of cringe in it - teddy bears? Fuck off.

1 was bad, but 2 and 3 were pretty good. Much better than the trash that is The Force Awakens (aka Episode 4 remake) and the even worse The Last Jedi.
1 was bad, but 2 and 3 were pretty good. Much better than the trash that is The Force Awakens (aka Episode 4 remake) and the even worse The Last Jedi.

2 was bad because of the romance subplot which was fucking terrible. Anakin's whining about sand and all that shit was fucking horrible. It's hard to reconcile that whiny psychotic douche with Darth Vader. 3 is almost good but Padme dying because reasons.....and the lame FrankenVader scene retroactively ruin an otherwise decent movie. While Episode VII was derivative of IV, it sort of works within the cyclical nature of Star Wars. It could have been better, but it certainly could have been much worse too. As for the Last Jedi, it's terrible and doesn't follow any kind of consistency with its logic or follow established Star Wars lore, character traits, etc. It's a huge pile of shit. Rogue One is actually a good movie in my opinion in spite of the overly fatalistic ending which I didn't care for.

He also probably wouldn't have declared the extended universe as non-canon.

To be fair, while some of the EU is excellent a ton of that crap reads like fan fiction which is written by people who don't understand the source material. The Yuuzhan Vong arc was horse shit. Some of the new characters introduced were retarded. Chewie's death was stupid as fuck.
1 was bad, but 2 and 3 were pretty good. Much better than the trash that is The Force Awakens (aka Episode 4 remake) and the even worse The Last Jedi.

I liked all the prequels... Loved them actually. Yes the midichlorians were stupid and the kid got annoying and Jar Jar is universally hated but Qui-Gonn was awesome, Darth Maul was awesome, the light saber duels were awesome and so were lots of other parts. 80% of the hate the prequels get is not deserved and I think just a knee jerk reaction because it's become trendy to hate them the last few years to hate them.
I liked all the prequels... Loved them actually. Yes the midichlorians were stupid and the kid got annoying and Jar Jar is universally hated but Qui-Gonn was awesome, Darth Maul was awesome, the light saber duels were awesome and so were lots of other parts. 80% of the hate the prequels get is not deserved and I think just a knee jerk reaction because it's become trendy to hate them the last few years to hate them.
Angry nerds are some of the loudest and most annoying also.
To be fair, while some of the EU is excellent a ton of that crap reads like fan fiction which is written by people who don't understand the source material. The Yuuzhan Vong arc was horse shit. Some of the new characters introduced were retarded. Chewie's death was stupid as fuck.

Based on what I read of this synopsis the first thought which came to my mind was how it sounded like the stupidity of the EU where each new thing had to be 10x worse than the previous horrible new thing. There were definitely some crap stories before but it definitely went off the rails with the Vong invasion and Lucas' ideas for sequels sound even worse.

I can't believe I'm saying this but Lucas' ideas are even worse than The Last Jedi. Hell, if he'd gone through with this it would have made The Last Jedi look like a masterpiece. Then again, for all we know he's feeding us bullshit about this "idea" he had.
Sounds like Lucas just had some vague ideas, not a real story treatment. Same thing happened with the prequels.

I don't get all the hate about 'throwing out the EU' when the sequel trilogy clearly borrows so much from KOTOR. They're keeping the good stuff.

As for the quality of the films themselves, people will always prefer the original trilogy. The original trilogy is a damn-near-perfect hero's journey, the new trilogy is a tragedy about nihilism and the meaning of good and evil (something only briefly touched upon in RotJ by Obi Wan's ghost). Personally I've very much enjoyed the new movies.
I just want to know one thing:

Would he have made Luke a quiter like the current movies?
1 was bad, but 2 and 3 were pretty good. Much better than the trash that is The Force Awakens (aka Episode 4 remake) and the even worse The Last Jedi.

I have to disagree. Episode 2 was the worst of the prequels. Episode 1 was bad, but it was bad chiefly because of Jar Jar and Anakin, neither of whom were really the main characters. The storyline was pretty good otherwise. Episode 2 was a train wreck in so many ways (acting, dialog, etc) that I can’t even rewatch it.
I just think the whole thing should have not come back after Return of the Jedi. Because there is no way more than 1/3rd of the nerds would have liked anything that anybody came up with after that. No matter what the majority would have hated it since after that long of a hiatus everybody had their own notion of where it should have gone, what audience it should have been designed for, etc.

I mean, other than making money from it, there was no real reason, because there was no way to make them "good" for the majority. It's impossible to dispel preconceived notions.

The True Trilogy
Hell we could reboot it like startrek. Have this whole time line split thing. Boom reboot. I mean if you don't get it right the first time. Reboot the story till you do.
Lucas will wait until Disney makes the whole franchise worthless, buy it back for a few million, so Disney can save face, declare Mouse-Wars non-canon, reboot.
Unsurprisingly, George Lucas’ ideas for the Star Wars sequels are wildly different to what Disney had given audiences: in an interview with James Cameron, the creator revealed that his movies would have revolved around the Whills, a set of creatures who “feed off the Force” and are “controlling the universe.” The concept of midi-chlorians, which was introduced in The Phantom Menace, would have likely been revisited and elaborated upon.

"If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done," he continued. "Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did 'Phantom Menace' and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told."

I hated Phantom Menace because it did not make any sense, at all. I have seen it multiple times and not once did it make any sense what was going on or why. It was like reading a book from the middle without knowing what was going on before that.
Hell we could reboot it like startrek. Have this whole time line split thing. Boom reboot. I mean if you don't get it right the first time. Reboot the story till you do.

No, you can't. At least with Star Trek, it makes sense but, Star Wars does not do time travel.
I hated Phantom Menace because it did not make any sense, at all. I have seen it multiple times and not once did it make any sense what was going on or why. It was like reading a book from the middle without knowing what was going on before that.

The plot of the Phantom Menace does make sense. However, the motivations for the blockade of Naboo and everything else are rather complex political machinations designed to elevate Palpatine to power. It's all about that. He sows the seeds of the Separatists and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to create the necessary political atmosphere to get the term limits dropped and increase his political power.
I liked all the prequels... Loved them actually. Yes the midichlorians were stupid and the kid got annoying and Jar Jar is universally hated but Qui-Gonn was awesome, Darth Maul was awesome, the light saber duels were awesome and so were lots of other parts. 80% of the hate the prequels get is not deserved and I think just a knee jerk reaction because it's become trendy to hate them the last few years to hate them.
I wouldn't say I loved them, but yes most of the gate they get is unfounded nonsense. Yes, the writing is bad and the actor they chose for Anakin was terrible, yes jar jar should die in a fire.. But there was quite a bit more that was good. I've certainly watched far worse.
I wouldn't say I loved them, but yes most of the gate they get is unfounded nonsense. Yes, the writing is bad and the actor they chose for Anakin was terrible, yes jar jar should die in a fire.. But there was quite a bit more that was good. I've certainly watched far worse.

I said this in another Star Wars thread but I think it's Lucas' storytelling that makes Star Wars so great. It is really campy sometimes, the dialog is often cheesy and the plot holes you could sink a battleship in but I see his movies as a guy sitting around a campfire telling stories.

Set aside your movie critic side of your brain and just sit back and enjoy the fantasy of space cowboys flying around space, having laser battles, sword fights with swords made of light and using a mystical force. I mean, that's basically what Star Wars is and that by definition is going to be campy and over the top sometimes but it's so much fun! I mean Lucas literally changed the world and changed the lives of kids for 40 years with a movie.
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Could have been worse. The third trilogy could have revolved around cybernetic gungans that are a combination of C3PO and Jar Jar.
Shocking Lucas still just can't stfu. You sold it dude, let it go. He couldn't agree with himself on the original trilogy a few decades later.
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Seeing A New Hope in 1977, waiting in the Central City Mall Theater, San Bernardino Ca, the line that ran the length of the mall and virtually back (NO SHIT), knowing you are about two showings back - one knew they were going to be carried to a far far place in time. Those lines did not die down over time, that movie blew everyone away! Empire Strikes Back, Jedi training, Luke's farther saw that in Groton Connecticut 1980, by then the world was sucked into that universe and the ending was no ending at all. I saw both of these over fifteen times each, mostly at the theater. Then Return of the Jedi 1983 which was pure Awesome on tying it together. Now how does one go from the victory on Return of the Jedi to the utter freakish story of The Force Awakens - it is not even in the same universe story wise?

I enjoyed episodes 1-3, thought story of 1 was brilliant, I knew/figured out who Palpatine was and saw the manipulation, the decay and corruption taking hold of the republic. Fight scenes where awesome, fierce. While episodes 1-3 did not capture the impact, not even close of the first 3 movies (episodes 4-6), it was still Star Wars.

Rogue One is one of my favorite Story driven Star Wars, that was a great movie - loved it.

Episode VII and VIII - is almost unrecognizable of the characters played in 4-6, story and premise and how things work in general is absolutely ridicules from a story progression state with totally laughable scenes (like bombs dropping, as in if there was normal gravity in space, on first scenes of VIII, surprised they did not whistle on the way down). Have not seen Han Solo yet, it might be entertaining and going to see it at least a couple of times.

I think George Lucas thought Disney would do a good job carrying the story line - well he found out that was an utter mistake in judgement.
Shocking Lucas still just can't stfu. You sold it dude, let it go. He couldn't agree with himself on the original trilogy a few decades later.

Lucas rage quit Star Wars due to the continued criticism of the prequels and now very obviously realizes he made a big mistake.
Lucas rage quit Star Wars due to the continued criticism of the prequels and now very obviously realizes he made a big mistake.

I don't think so. Lucas is 74 years old, probably just over the whole thing, ready to buy an island somewhere and retire. Dudes been at it for 40 years. Disney comes along and offers him 4 billion... Hell I don't blame him for taking it.
I am in the not overly impressed with the latest trilogy so far, think it is to flimsy a story with a little rinse repeat to it.