Geohot puts up legal defense dontaion links

Don't throw Geohot into the same group as normal people who are treated like garbage by multi-national corporations. He ELECTED to do all of this and Sony is left with a piracy issue that didn't really exist previously.

The end result of his crack is a bad result for the company involved , they own all the proprietary software in that system which he circumvented. I can understand why Sony is pissed , now they are going to have to spend 10s of millions of dollars to redesign the system to completely block the exploit and that only matters for new consoles made not for the millions already out there that they won't ever be able to fully block.

Geohot is a dick that wanted the public spot light for doing what he felt was right , now hes gonna pay for it.
I know he is going to lose because I've spent 8 months researching and writing about this topic. Lawsuits aren't randomly decided, they're the application of facts to law. Unless there is some sort of evidence that shows Geohot wasn't the person responsible for releasing these circumventions, I can say almost perfect certainty that he will lose.

Go read the statues (I quoted them in the thread) and think about it. Don't think, do I think this should be ok? Think: did he do something that this law says he can't. I guarantee you if you look at it even briefly, you'll see he is screwed.

Don't get me wrong, I think the DMCA should be reworked so everyone can do whatever they want with the hardware they bought. The fact is, that isn't the current law. Geohot was doing something that made him liable, and instead of just saying "sorry, i'll stop," he's been poking the beast with a stick. Now the beast is calling his bluff, and he wants you to buy him a shield and sword. That's ridiculous.
He ELECTED to do all of this and Sony is left with a piracy issue that didn't really exist previously.

Sony elected to be scum of the earth douchebags, by disabling their customers Linux computers. The evil thugs running Sony should be charged for their crimes.

I hope everything turns out badly for Sony.
Even if geohot is an asshat this case will set a precedence that will reach beyond play stations, but to other things we buy. I'm not sure why anyone would root for Sony unless they just hate the guy and his cocky personality.

Still yet, there are more important things to give your money to. There are lots of people in this world who are just fighting to survive poverty, diseases, tyranny and hunger.
Sony elected to be scum of the earth douchebags, by disabling their customers Linux computers. The evil thugs running Sony should be charged for their crimes.

I hope everything turns out badly for Sony.

I fail to see how people can just pinpoint one company and not the other.
Sony elected to be scum of the earth douchebags, by disabling their customers Linux computers. The evil thugs running Sony should be charged for their crimes.

I hope everything turns out badly for Sony.
but a ps3 is not a linux pc it is a game console.

And it is my belief that sony should have no control over what we do to our consoles. However we do connect to a service provided by sony and that they do not have to provide to hacked consoles

So i support
sony banning hacked consoles
warrantee being broken
and any support being denied.
PS3 is an invention, but the firmware is not. He modified Sony software, which is against the EULA (

How is that different from modifying the software in your car's computer to run non Toyota, Ford, or whomever code?

Do they take the PS3 back if you don't agree? If you never click agree, and fix the PS3 first, does that make it all right since you never clicked "I agree"?

Let the lawyers fight it out. Maybe we will get lucky and win.

I feel Sony has a right to ban modified consoles from PSN, and void the warranty should it not be running approved code, but we do need to draw the line somewhere. It is a purpose built computer, that you must purchase. You should be able to do what you want with it. It is no longer Sony's after that, unless you allow it as far as I am concerned.
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...and Sony is left with a piracy issue that didn't really exist previously.

Negative. The PSJailbreak dongle (and the many clones that followed it) has allowed people to play homebrew and 'backups' on the ps3 since September of 2010. Geohot didn't release his jailbreak until January 2011.
Didn't fail0verfl0w also release all their stuff because sony was going to sue them?

Just because it was released does not a douchebag make. Geohot is a douchbag because he acts like one...
Sony elected to be scum of the earth douchebags, by disabling their customers Linux computers. The evil thugs running Sony should be charged for their crimes.

I hope everything turns out badly for Sony.

Indeed but the punishment shouldn't be the wide open piracy of there games. Sony should have to deal with they did but that doesn't make what Geohot did "right".
Negative. The PSJailbreak dongle (and the many clones that followed it) has allowed people to play homebrew and 'backups' on the ps3 since September of 2010. Geohot didn't release his jailbreak until January 2011.

With the aid of the Other OS feature yes , Sony disabled it , Geohot broke into the base code and aquired the Master Key which is required to "sign" each game/software before you can run it.

That dongle is probably one of the main reasons why they disabled it to begin with , now with the Master Key open for anyone to use its pretty much impossible for Sony to "plug" the hole. So what was possible before is now quite a bit easier. Sony's only recourse is to ban users who log online and have the hack detected , which puts it into the same boat as the 360 in terms of piracy.

The minor piracy issue that existed before on the PS3 just got blown wide open , I've seen more PS3 games up for torrents since he released the exploit than anytime previously. Terabyte hard drives are dirt cheap so there is no problem with storage and as long as you've got the bandwidth limits aren't to worry about you can download as much as you want.

People can spin this however they want , and while we all love to hate multi-national corporations ..this is a shitty thing to do.

And normally I'm totally on the hackers side , I think copywrite laws are fucked up and need to be retooled as does the DMCA.
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In that case, I suppose that once you buy a gun or a knife, it should give you the right to freely kill people. I mean you paid money for the gun, why the hell can't you use it however you want to??

Because killing people is against the law you fuckwit. Now what isn't against the law is doing whatever modifications you want to the gun (even if they're not manufacturer approved!) and shooting it at the range

In this case, modifying property you bought to run programs you own, isn't illegal! Which is why this guy is fighting Sony in court over it because a legal precedent is already set.
I would hack my PS3 on principle alone, if I were not too lazy to pull the thing out of the closet and hook it up.
Still yet, there are more important things to give your money to. There are lots of people in this world who are just fighting to survive poverty, diseases, tyranny and hunger.

Because you should never give money to any cause until there is world peace and eliminated hunger, disease and corruption.

What is the legality of modifying your own stuff in other countries?
well, he took down the donation link. Looks like it was pretty successful. Hopefully he wins :)

First round of donations is closed. Thank you so so much for all of your help, things are looking up money wise. Expect to see a few more lawyers on my responses! I have enough to cover my legal fees for the time being. And in the absolute worst case scenario, we don’t want Sony getting it :-P For now, the best thing you can do is spread the word. Let people know how Sony treats customers. Let people know Sony would rather sue than be proactive and try to fix the problem. Let people know about laws like the DMCA, which stifle innovation, and don’t do anything to fix the problems they were created to solve.
I still hope he loses. :)

At this point no matter what he does, I'll still hope for him to lose. I still see him as one of the main reasons for the over-exposure of ps3 piracy.
Looking forward to seeing what kind of high end sports car he will be driving next month thanks to the donations , lol.
Hopefully he wins, I don't care what the law says, it's not right that people can't tinker with products they own.

What do Sony hope to gain at this point? Even if they win they will have made a permanent enemy, I'm willing to bet this Geohot would bounce back fairly quickly and be scrambling all over sonys future products to make sure they're all cracked in record time.
What do sony have to lose at this point? they already made an enemy. A douchebag one too, that happens to have some skills. It's a lose-lose for both ends. Geohot already stated he's going to be going after all other Sony products (He's pretty immature about it thats why).

I can see mass piracy due to his exposure of so called "jailbreaks". Even if he states he doesn't condone piracy, the end result will be piracy. He will be one of the root causes, even if indirectly.
It's their actions so far which has caused him to go after their products, burning bridges at this point guarantees an enemy.

They could just withdraw, hire the guy and get him to advise on their next copy protection system, they avoid making an enemy and probably improve their own protection in the meantime.

Hiring the dude would be significantly cheaper than what they're going to blow on the lawyers fighting him. As always pride takes over and they have to try and make a public statement that will just cause problems for them in the long run, cut off the nose to spite the face.
I might not like the guy, but what he directly or indirectly represents is something that I think needs support in a big way.

Other people or groups being sued mentioned in this thread have mostly failed to be noticed, and therefore Sony Corporation can take advantage of their quiet compliance (or riaa, can or..."insert corp/association name here").

For someone to take on the mantle, and risk, of being a frontman for what they did or said, that's respectable. Weather or not you agree with the position taken.


Or you can troll like some of the people in this thread and continue on with whatever you value as important... or not, whatever.
I don't know.... this seems similar to Sony suing torrent client makers would be similar to this. That's also software that enables piracy. Seems they can only sue about tampering with DRM.
It's their actions so far which has caused him to go after their products, burning bridges at this point guarantees an enemy.

They could just withdraw, hire the guy and get him to advise on their next copy protection system, they avoid making an enemy and probably improve their own protection in the meantime.

Hiring the dude would be significantly cheaper than what they're going to blow on the lawyers fighting him. As always pride takes over and they have to try and make a public statement that will just cause problems for them in the long run, cut off the nose to spite the face.

I agree with you there, but Geohot and Sony.. I'm pretty sure there is so much bad blood between them that he wouldnt accept the job offer..
Honestly, he had to have known what he was starting. Why did't he post this anonymously over some free WiFi and avoid the lawsuit? If I was going to post something even remotely illegal for the world, I wouldn't do it where it could trace back to me.
I agree with you there, but Geohot and Sony.. I'm pretty sure there is so much bad blood between them that he wouldnt accept the job offer..

Maybe, depends how much they offer, they could have him more or less set for life with less money they'd spend on their legal team, that would be worth the money and he'd probably bite.

Then they could legally suppress his work if he signs legal documents when he works for them, that gives them a stronger legal position than they have now.
Maybe, depends how much they offer, they could have him more or less set for life with less money they'd spend on their legal team, that would be worth the money and he'd probably bite.

Then they could legally suppress his work if he signs legal documents when he works for them, that gives them a stronger legal position than they have now.

True, and that would probably be the best way for Sony. If anything, he could help them with security flaws found in their upcoming hardware, ie PS4 etc. That would actually make for some good press from Sony. But what would GeoHot say? He's bashed Sony publicly many many times. Would he just say he was naive at the time? haha.:D
A possible product of Geohots release of the Master Key :

According to PlayStation Network @ Home, a new app may allow hackers to ban or unban anyone they please from PSN.

If the rumor proves true, it may only be a matter of time until all PlayStation owners find themselves banned from Sony's gaming network:

Even a simple Windows application which goes through ALL ID’s may be possible. 24 hours and any console worldwide would be banned.

More as the story develops!

So now hackers might have the ability to ban legit users and wouldn't be funny if everyone woke up tomorrow and all PS3's were banned? :rolleyes: still though even if it doesn't happen anytime soon the prospect that just by angering a hacker on the PS3 might result in a console ban is just crazy.
humm cool i thought this thing was going to be a program that ran on the ps3 when it was hacked and got banned then i thought an array of ps3 all flipping everyones shit to banned would be what will happen then sony will come back and undo it on all and ban them a different way...
humm cool i thought this thing was going to be a program that ran on the ps3 when it was hacked and got banned then i thought an array of ps3 all flipping everyones shit to banned would be what will happen then sony will come back and undo it on all and ban them a different way...

I'm gonna say that this sentence needs some kind of comma of some sort.

@Godmachine, just the thought of that scares me. This is getting retarded for all PS3 users.
This. Fuck Geohot, may he burn in the fire he created.
I think that the insane idea of "Impoverish and imprison those who dare to modify their own hardware they bought with their own money" was burning long before Hotz jailbroke a single iPhone; he certainly didn't start it.

Hopefully George Hotz et al. will right this wrong by prevailing in this case, lest we empower corporations to write de facto laws without any legislative representation for the human beings who are subject to them.
I think that the insane idea of "Impoverish and imprison those who dare to modify their own hardware they bought with their own money" was burning long before Hotz jailbroke a single iPhone; he certainly didn't start it. .

People in this thread keep saying "modify their own hardware" when it wasn't the hardware that was modified. Drilling a hole through or painting the case pink would modify the hardware. Anyone can modify the hardware all they want.

He modified the software, or firmware, which isn't his.