Geoff Keighley: Project Scorpio Is $499

Same thing for the ps2, it was one if not the cheaper dvd player on thise days.

DVD actually made a difference on almost every single set though. UHD blu-ray really only matters if you a 4K HDR set, and a half-way decent one at that. Decent 4K HDR sets aren't super expensive anymore, but the adoption rate is still slow. UHD blu-ray is never going to matter for the market. Streaming is good enough for most people.
Strange, I purchased the Xbox One S as a UHD Blu-ray player but some how ended up buying 15+ games? Seems like it is an easy way into the home, and when you have it, you might as well buy some games to play on it.

Now Sony lost out on all those game sales from me only because they didn't have a complete entertainment system which would have been easy to implement and destroy MS. Also, I have a few more games I am waiting on and will be buying when they released.

Honestly I don't think I'm alone in this situation.

You're not, I want an UHD player, and I like halo...
Strange, I purchased the Xbox One S as a UHD Blu-ray player but some how ended up buying 15+ games? Seems like it is an easy way into the home, and when you have it, you might as well buy some games to play on it.

Now Sony lost out on all those game sales from me only because they didn't have a complete entertainment system which would have been easy to implement and destroy MS. Also, I have a few more games I am waiting on and will be buying when they released.

Honestly I don't think I'm alone in this situation.

Edge cases never know when they are. Reality is that physical media is dead. This isnt the Blu-ray PS3 era that edge cases use as their flawed analogue. There are always a few people especially on a enthusiast forum that seem to believe UHD 4K Blu-rays are something everyone is or should be interested in, but the world has moved to streaming, and 99% of the playerbase is happy with call of duty and Netflix.

This whole situation is like angry grandpa's yelling about print edition newspapers going away, unable to concede the world has changed.

Sony omitted a 4K UHD player for a number of business reasons, but that's another thread.
Back on topic, I wonder if MS went to Geoff and told him to leak the $499 price so they could "shock" everyone at a $399 announcement. Lame if so..they want that moment like Sony had when they announced the $399 PS4.
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Back on topic, I've got money that says MS went to Geoff and told him to leak the $499 price so they could "shock" everyone at a $399 announcement. Lame....they want that moment like Sony had when they announced the $399 PS4.

I think you mean ps1

In 1995


Damn noob :p
Back on topic, I've got money that says MS went to Geoff and told him to leak the $499 price so they could "shock" everyone at a $399 announcement. Lame....they want that moment like Sony had when they announced the $399 PS4.

Wouldn't surprise me if they "leaked" it to Keighly in order to gauge reaction. If they were having an argument over price getting the public reaction to $499 would be a way to settle it. And it was "leaked" in enough time for them to make a change. Wouldn't take much for them to change the script and edit the Power Point.
Wouldn't surprise me if they "leaked" it to Keighly in order to gauge reaction. If they were having an argument over price getting the public reaction to $499 would be a way to settle it. And it was "leaked" in enough time for them to make a change. Wouldn't take much for them to change the script and edit the Power Point.
Quite possible. But then does it really require "testing" reaction to pricing it higher than the competition - it's going to be bad no matter what.

I think it'll be $399 simply because it can't afford not to be. And that's not even factoring Sony's guaranteed price drops right before Scorpio launches.

Microsoft has a tough, outnumbered and outgunned battle ahead, and only another Halo-level blockbuster gives Scorpio any chance of moving the needle.
Yeah. You would think ms would learn the first time at 499. Sure they are more gaming oriented but now they have to fight sony momentum. 499 is a hard sell. At 399 I would very much get it. At 499, I would be saying hello sony
Microsoft has a tough, outnumbered and outgunned battle ahead, and only another Halo-level blockbuster gives Scorpio any chance of moving the needle.

Those days are over. Consoles took off because they were either so far ahead of the previous generation, or they introduced the audience to new genres of games. Microsoft doesn't have a catalog of untapped PC genres to introduce anymore though. And I think that's primarily the reason why there are quite a few people who have been disappointed in this generations consoles. We're at the point typically a new generation would come along, and there are quite a few people surprised that it's this soon.
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That Anthem gameplay looked really good, had a Destiny meets Monster Hunter meets Firefall vibe which I like.
"Exclusive to Xbox One and Windows 10" or "Xbox One X Console Launch Exclusive" on almost every single game during the conference.

Thanks, I'll stick to my PC.
"Exclusive to Xbox One and Windows 10" or "Xbox One X Console Launch Exclusive" on almost every single game during the conference.

Thanks, I'll stick to my PC.

Which I like. Probably not a great way to help MS win the 'console war', but the sooner MS makes the XBox into a full fledged PC, the better.
Which I like. Probably not a great way to help MS win the 'console war', but the sooner MS makes the XBox into a full fledged PC, the better.

Oh I love it as well, saves me $500 from not having to buy the Xbox One X which I can put towards further upgrading my PC and having the superior gaming experience.

I just don't understand it from Microsoft's perspective - they basically killed any reason for PC gamers to purchase an Xbox One with Xbox Play Anywhere.
Oh I love it as well, saves me $500 from not having to buy the Xbox One X which I can put towards further upgrading my PC and having the superior gaming experience.

I just don't understand it from Microsoft's perspective - they basically killed any reason for PC gamers to purchase an Xbox One with Xbox Play Anywhere.

The Xbox was never the console for PC gamers though. Sony and Nintendo are the ones that provide the games that are different than what you get on the PC. Xbox has always been PC-esque games on a console.
Doesn't Scorpio have the AMD Vega GPU? $499.99 doesn't surprise me.
$500 = suicide. Even if they drop it quickly after release, the damage will be done.
Doesn't Scorpio have the AMD Vega GPU?

Nope. Clock bumped jaguar with a better cooler. But even if it had a 1080 Ti inside, it wouldn't matter since the games are hamstrung by Xbox One compatibility. Won't have any of its own exclusives to take advantage of the newer hardware.

This console is an Xbox One with more tolerable framerates.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves, its still gotta beat out the Magnavox CD-i first :LOL:

lol, the reason why I compared it to the Jaguar is because that also came out during a time where the current consoles were good enough (SNES and Sega Genesis). It was slightly better visually but it didn't have the games to back it up. Then the Playstation was released along with the Sega Saturn the following year and the Jaguar was dead. If MS only has 4K to sell, the OneX will be dead in short order. Console gamers aren't about image fidelity like PC gamers.

I don't see the need for consoles to go 4K when they still can't run 60FPS in every game on the current OneS. 30FPS isn't going to win over PC gamers. Console gamers wonder why the OneX games look the same during the trailers. 4K just adds more resolution but DX12 doesn't provide a leap in gaming like DX9 did, or environment enhancements with DX11. MS is their own enemy for not pushing the visuals in their DX releases.
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Specs don't mean shit to console users. This thing is overpriced for a console.
Just out of curiosity - how many people here actually have a 4K TV? Now consider if [H] members haven't taken on 4K, how many members of the average non-techie public have bought into 4K TVs vs those still running perfectly good / still working 1080p TVs? What is the benefit of the PS4Pro and Xbox Scorpio for them?

As a video media fan - laser disc to DVDs to BRs - I want to be sure I can watch what I want when I want it and not have to worry about:
1) internet connectivity - sometimes you just don't have internet access (or fast-enough access) to stream hi-quality video or
2) the streaming service being there to stream it to me. Sure they let me stream it now, but what if they change their policy or get bought out / change owners or simply go out of business ... then what?

The only reason I haven't gotten an XBox One S (if I really wanted to get a UHD BR player) is what people have already said - exclusive software. If most things will also come to the PC, why would I ever get an XB1 when I can just put that money towards PC upgrades?

For my particular use-case, I think my setup is going to remain 1x Sony PS box + some PCs.
A gaming platform is only as good as its game lineup. No great games = no sales.

Right now the only people who this would fit the bill for would be someone in the market for a home entertainment device that can play/stream in 4K and has UHD Blu-Ray built in. I would assume most people who own a 4K TV have already accomplished those parts as well, however.

I don't have a 4K TV. I've yet to see any movies that I would truly want to own in 4K glory. I used to get excited about new games, but lately, everything is just meh at best for me. I can't get excited about gaming like I used to anymore. For someone like me, this thing would be a waste of money.