Geil golden dragon


Jul 3, 2003
geil golden dragon pc3700 ram keeps crashing out of games at 200MHz 2-3-2-6 2.9V. I ran memtest and it produces a handfull of errors at the end of test #5.
I then tried some of the 'preset' timings like 2.5-5-5-9 2.5-3-3-7 2.5-4-4-8 2.5-3-3-6. All of these give errors in memtest at any speed.
Is this a ram incompatibility or is this just faulty ram?
ecxeleron said:
geil golden dragon pc3700 ram keeps crashing out of games at 200MHz 2-3-2-6 2.9V. I ran memtest and it produces a handfull of errors at the end of test #5.
I then tried some of the 'preset' timings like 2.5-5-5-9 2.5-3-3-7 2.5-4-4-8 2.5-3-3-6. All of these give errors in memtest at any speed.
Is this a ram incompatibility or is this just faulty ram?

Hard to say. Sometimes RAM can be finicky and just f*** up for no reason. Have you tried reseating the DIMMs, perhaps in different slots? What mobo? I would suggest backing off slowly until you get a clean run of memtest, just to determine where you start getting errors. If you constantly get errors, even at stock speeds, I'd RMA it if you can.
no matter how far i back off i get errors.
however at 400 MHZ 2.5-3-3-7 i can play halo and it won't crash. but memtest still fails.
I can't RMA the RAM because i bought it off aother dude about 6 months ago.
my mobo is abit NF7-S
I've tried lots of bioses, right now i'm using trat's d24_4247_ed bios. I also tried his d10_4247_EDc18 but that also produced errors in memtest just like the official bioses. :(
My GD PC3500 will not do anything over 190FSB at any voltage or settings. Test in 4 mobos, 2 NF7-Sv2, DFI Ultra Infinity, and a 8RDA+. Glad it has a lifetime warranty. :rolleyes:
haha so i'm not the only one having problems :)
i guess nforks mobos just don't like it :(
I wish I had a Intel system to test on to see if it is an nforce2 problem. I hope to RMA soon, and see what Geil says.
GD 3500 in my MSI K8N @ 245fsb, putting the multi to 9 allows me to have 255fsb
