Gbit not Gbit?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 23, 2002
file transfer from the server to the i7. Connected via this Gbit switch. Both cables are 5e, switch is connected to a 10/100 router, but this signal shouldnt be going through there (just through the switch). Both drives are plenty fast enough to be a lot faster than this. So, WTF?

The problem:
1024mb * 73GB = 74752MB / 11,395 = 6.5MB per file. (average)

Windows handles small files like crap. If you had 20 files that made up that 73GB you would see 45-80% utilization.
Transfering small files will never utilize full speed, especially using windows sharing, but even with other methods.

I have had it take me a good hour to FTP 2mb worth of files to a server if the server does not accept concurrent connections.
This probably won't help, but I've been using a product called FastLynx since the DOS days. It gets around these limitations and transfers files very fast. Of course, you need to own or admin both machines.

On another note, I'd love to know how it works under two XP boxes. :)
much as Id like to believe it was the multiple small files, it wasnt.

FYI- from is server 2k8 x64, to is vista x64.

edit: just to make it more weird, transferring a single 1.5GB file in the reverse direction (to the server) gives me low 20MB/s...)
then you must have a pretty crapp d-link switch.

Get a cross over cable and connect both computers directly. Take the switch out of the equation and see if thats the problem.
YAY! got it.
for some reason the server doesnt support 9k jumbo frames, just 4k. jumbos were all turned off apparently. 30MB/s now. Mucho better.
I'm getting this:


With one of these:

and a DGL4300 w/o jumbos

Dunno what's up with your stuff.