Gateway FPD2485W - 24" HD LCD


I was running in Vista today and noticed a problem with EzTune 1.4. Windows Task Manager shows the DTHTML.EXE driver for EzTune is consuming a constant 10 - 20% CPU as long as EzTune is running. Under XP, the 1.4 version of EzTune consumes 0% of CPU.

Can you please ask your people to look into this as it doesn't seem normal.


I just picked up this monitor from Best Buy today. However, I am having some issues with it and would like to ask some questions. Specifically, the monitor makes images/video appear very grainy. Is there any way around this? Furthermore, I've gone through the eztune setup, but the monitor nonetheless still appears very dark. I admit I'm a complete newb when it comes to lcd's (this is my first, actually), so I'd greatly appreciate any and all help I can get. (I've been following this thread for a few weeks now, and reading through all the information provided is very daunting!)
I just picked up this monitor from Best Buy today. However, I am having some issues with it and would like to ask some questions. Specifically, the monitor makes images/video appear very grainy. Is there any way around this? Furthermore, I've gone through the eztune setup, but the monitor nonetheless still appears very dark. I admit I'm a complete newb when it comes to lcd's (this is my first, actually), so I'd greatly appreciate any and all help I can get. (I've been following this thread for a few weeks now, and reading through all the information provided is very daunting!)

You probably got a dud. My first one looked like trash, and my new one looks amazing. Swap it out, Best Buy didn't ask any questions when I returned mine.
Is your model happen to be November and the box serial starts with MGL6B?
Mine's a DEC 2006 MGL6C that I hand-picked. I read up on this thread and compared to what I saw in the stores and figured MGL6B was Nov 2006 and MGL6C was Dec 2006 from the serial #s and mfg. dates that I saw and it held up when I bought mine. The only difference from what was reported in these threads is my batch sticker was bronze/brown and not blue/yellow like the other Dec models.

I'm getting bleeding from the top right corner, but it's not noticable in the light.
From a cold boot, the bleeding is insane. Like looking at a black Oval when XP boots up, no joke. Amazingly though, it almost goes away completely once its warmed up. I've never seen a panel display these kinds of characteristics.

Look here
I'm getting the same problem too on both monitors (which were November models); it's brighter on the left than the right.
Ya, the viewing angles are fine in terms of how the panel looks from different angles. You can see everything, just all parts of the panel don't really look the same. If that makes sense. This is characteristic of TN panels where simply looking straight on, the different angles from the eye to the screen generate enough of a different viewing angle to create a non-uniform image.

Crushed blacks here too, and it's unbearable since I watch a lot of movies. If you view a gradient fade.jpg notice how quickly it turns from gray to black on your monitor (the image's supposed to be even). There's a banding problem, too.
Ya, I think the crushed blacks can be corrected to some degree with calibration, so I'm hoping the people without problems can list their EZtune settings. I'm not real good at calibrating stuff like this (like tuning a guitar), I just know when things don't look (or sound) right. That gradient test shows a very distinct transition from black to lighter colors about 5/8ths through the image (5 portions being black). Banding didn't bother me too much, though I did notice quite a bit of it in that opening scene in Troy when the clouds roll in. Didn't see much of a problem with banding after that though.

I kind of got used to the brightness; B80 C50
I'll try those settings and a few others if people post em. As it is now though, I'll probably be replacing this one mid-week if I can track down another MGL6C at one of the BB around me.

There is ghosting/smearing on mine so I wouldn't say it's responsive much.
I wasn't really referring to ghosting/smearing. I think all LCDs will still have some to some degree unless you get one of the smaller 2ms panels. I was actually talking about input lag, which was a pretty heavily documented problem on the Dell 2407. Basically between the time you moved your mouse or hit a keystroke, there could be enough of a delay to result in significant delay and lost frames. Best example was your ammo counter showing different # of rounds. I think the Dell averaged something like 33ms input delay, with most other panels averaging 16-20ms.

I'm exchanging this monitor soon, so please tell me what your model date and serial MGL6<X> is.
Definitely try to get a MGL6C or later if you can. Any ghosting/smearing I get isn't nearly as bad as what you have in those links and although there is a slight tracer behind the bouncing square, its not nearly as bad as what you have. Hopefully the MGL6C can cut down on that some. My main concern though is the crushed blacks and backlight bleed, which leads into the probability the backlight isn't uniform. This is probably why the panel looks different on one side vs. the other and makes it appear like the viewing angles are off (even when viewed head-on). Thanks for the detailed response. :)

Ferris23, you seem to have a pretty trouble-free monitor. What settings are you using for contrast/brightness in EZtune and did you use any other calibration methods? I can probably live with all the other stuff, but the crushed blacks and neon-like lighting effects are just horrible in games. My panel is a very close relative to yours but mine doesn't seem to be as trouble-free. S/N is only a few hundred off, same week, same batch.
I just picked up this monitor from Best Buy today. However, I am having some issues with it and would like to ask some questions. Specifically, the monitor makes images/video appear very grainy. Is there any way around this? Furthermore, I've gone through the eztune setup, but the monitor nonetheless still appears very dark. I admit I'm a complete newb when it comes to lcd's (this is my first, actually), so I'd greatly appreciate any and all help I can get. (I've been following this thread for a few weeks now, and reading through all the information provided is very daunting!)

I don't know if this is super obvious or not, but make sure you set your desktop resolution to native @ 1920x1200. Everything is gonna look grainy/pixelate/generally crappy unless you run native resolution on an LCD.
Thank you all for your replies so far.

And no worries about being obvious or not, I do appreciate the advice, although I did ensure that my desktop was set to 1920 x 1200. It sorta sucks that the text becomes fuzzy at different resolutions. However, all of the problems I mentioned before still apply.

Furthermore, I've noticed that on a flat black screen, there appears to be some backlight bleeding in each quadrant. I'll try to get some pictures of that and post them in a bit.
The serial number you saw in this thread is on a monitor I took back, which really there was no reason to do it, I just like to try as many as possible to find the "perfect" one.

My settings are

Brightness - 76
Contrast - 59

Red - 96
Green - 91
Blue - 95

(also ran color calibration in EZTune)

I have great viewing angles, no buzz, no backlight bleed and slight streaking on certain solid colors. Nothing as bad as the video posted, but it is there if you stare for it. However it really isn't even noticeable just playing a game unless you slowly drag the mouse on certain colored buildings etc.

Here are 2 pics I just took with my (shoddy) digital camera. In these pics, the monitor has been on for approximately 2-3 hours. They each show the backlight bleeding through on a blank windows xp screen saver.

Again, I'm a complete newbie with lcds, but I'm assuming this isn't quiet right. Could this be somehow related to the grainy images the monitor shows?

Edit: The model I purchased today was a MGL6C version of the 24" Gateway.
Dude, seriously some backlight bleed here and there is acceptable. What you have is not. Take it back and try another one. All LCD's are NOT created equal, even those of the same model, panel etc.
Ferris23, thank you for your quick response. I figured something wasn't quiet right with that bleeding, but I'm glad someone else thought the same.

However, I have a couple more questions in regards to this. Specifically, should I not expect to receive so much bleeding, even after the monitor has been operating for a few hours? (I plea my ignorance in asking this question as it has more or less already been answered, but I just want to be as specific as possible in my questioning.) Also, is it typical for lcd's to produce a considerable temperature gradient, i.e., should I be able to feel the heat produced by the lamps an inch or so away from the monitor?
That is NOT normal, exchange that one for another, preferably a December model.....

Here are 2 pics I just took with my (shoddy) digital camera. In these pics, the monitor has been on for approximately 2-3 hours. They each show the backlight bleeding through on a blank windows xp screen saver.

Again, I'm a complete newbie with lcds, but I'm assuming this isn't quiet right. Could this be somehow related to the grainy images the monitor shows?

Edit: The model I purchased today was a MGL6C version of the 24" Gateway.
The serial number you saw in this thread is on a monitor I took back, which really there was no reason to do it, I just like to try as many as possible to find the "perfect" one.

My settings are

Brightness - 76
Contrast - 59

Red - 96
Green - 91
Blue - 95

(also ran color calibration in EZTune)

I have great viewing angles, no buzz, no backlight bleed and slight streaking on certain solid colors. Nothing as bad as the video posted, but it is there if you stare for it. However it really isn't even noticeable just playing a game unless you slowly drag the mouse on certain colored buildings etc.
Thanks for posting your settings, I'll give em a try and see if they help at all. You're using EZTune 1.3 or 1.4? Also I thought that one sticker image you posted was the latest. Week 49 MGL6C? Anyways, not gonna worry about it too much if I can get this color/crushed black situation resolved.....though I wouldn't necessarily be upset if I went to BB tomorrow and saw a MGL6D ;)

Here are 2 pics I just took with my (shoddy) digital camera. In these pics, the monitor has been on for approximately 2-3 hours. They each show the backlight bleeding through on a blank windows xp screen saver.

Again, I'm a complete newbie with lcds, but I'm assuming this isn't quiet right. Could this be somehow related to the grainy images the monitor shows?

Edit: The model I purchased today was a MGL6C version of the 24" Gateway.

That 1st image is pretty bad. Its hard to notice backlight bleeding if there's any kind of color on the screen so that's a bit disturbing. The 2nd image is pretty typical. Mine looks as bad or worst than that off a cold-boot, but again, it amazingly goes away once warmed up. I'd give it another day or two and see if it goes away as the bleeding didn't go away while warm until about 24 hours of usage.

As for grainy and pixelated...hmmm. Are you connecting via DVI or VGA? What images and objects? If you're using an LCD for the first time that might be what you're experiencing but this panel's pixel pitch/resolution/pixel density are high enough that you shouldn't really notice too much pixelation. Its more of a problem on 22" panels doing 1680 and 27" panels doing 1920.
That 1st image is pretty bad. Its hard to notice backlight bleeding if there's any kind of color on the screen so that's a bit disturbing. The 2nd image is pretty typical. Mine looks as bad or worst than that off a cold-boot, but again, it amazingly goes away once warmed up. I'd give it another day or two and see if it goes away as the bleeding didn't go away while warm until about 24 hours of usage.

As for grainy and pixelated...hmmm. Are you connecting via DVI or VGA? What images and objects? If you're using an LCD for the first time that might be what you're experiencing but this panel's pixel pitch/resolution/pixel density are high enough that you shouldn't really notice too much pixelation. Its more of a problem on 22" panels doing 1680 and 27" panels doing 1920.

The environment in which the photos were taken was identical. However, the difference between the pics is one was taken under the dark/poor lighting conditions camera setting and the second was taken under normal lighting conditions.

In terms of the pixelation, I am connected via dvi at the moment. I notice the pixelation in almost any image I view and in battlefield 2 (specifically, the smoke in smoke grenades). I haven't had an opportunity to test this further just yet, but I will try connecting my monitor via vga shortly in addition to testing dvds and my xbox 360 on the monitor.
HI Doug,

That is something we have arleady reported to QA and are looking in to. The reason for the activity is due to the fact that the way montiors work, you must every so often check them for changes such as Auto Rotate, PIP and Theft. Normally, as you noticed, our checking is a very minor impact on the system. However on some systems, it seems to be abnormally high. I have an XP system that bounces between 7 and 24% while my Vista system is usually 1 to 2%. Hope to know more about this. It might help me if you could hit the Tech Support request form and fill it out. Just put it to my attention in the description and say as per discussed on HardForum. One problem is we haven't gotten to many reports of this and don't have a lot of data on systems or their configuraiton.


PDI Support


I was running in Vista today and noticed a problem with EzTune 1.4. Windows Task Manager shows the DTHTML.EXE driver for EzTune is consuming a constant 10 - 20% CPU as long as EzTune is running. Under XP, the 1.4 version of EzTune consumes 0% of CPU.

Can you please ask your people to look into this as it doesn't seem normal.


One big thing that is making me want to purchase this monitor over the BenQ is that it is locally available and there is no 1:1 firmware upgrade to worry about.

When playing on this monitor with the XBox 360 VGA adaptor set to 1920x1080 and VGA set to 1:1 do you have black bars any where on the screen or does the image fill the entire LCD?
Why should it? In addition how large are the black boxes and are they distracting?

If the display is 1920x1200 and the signal is 1920x1080, then there will be gaps between the top and bottom edges of the image and the top and bottom edges of the screen. This is good because this spacing preserves the original image without distortion. In this case, if the image filled the screen top to bottom, then it would be stretched out of proportion.

For a 1080 signal, the bars should be quite small (exactly 60 pixels high each).
I'm slowly reading through the first batch of reviews, and I'm wondering what the current mood is between this model, and the 24" BenQ is... taking into account and firmware and bug fixes in the last few months...

I'm leaning more toward the BenQ so I can use the DVI connection for the PC to the Monitor, and the HDMI connection for the Set Top Box to the Monitor...
For price/performance my vote goes to the Gateway (obviously as I own one)

The BenQ certainly is not without issues yet they seem to be overlooked even though that display on average runs over 100.00 more, even more depending on shipping and getting the firmware addressed.

I'm sorry but for the price IMO the Gateway is the 24" of choice. Again just my opinion, I'm sure those who had problems with it will disagree. However all devices have issues, it's just a matter of finding a good unit.

However you will not be dissapointed with either. I am using an HDMI switch that I got for like 24 bucks to handle my digital input needs.
I'm slowly reading through the first batch of reviews, and I'm wondering what the current mood is between this model, and the 24" BenQ is... taking into account and firmware and bug fixes in the last few months...

I'm leaning more toward the BenQ so I can use the DVI connection for the PC to the Monitor, and the HDMI connection for the Set Top Box to the Monitor...

I have been in your same boat. I have settled on the Gateway for a couple important (I feel at least) reasons.

1. You may purchase the Gateway monitor in a brick and mortor. This allows you to return the monitor with a quick car ride if there are any issues. (LCD's seem to be prone to issues.) I can also request a specific model number from the sales associate.

With the BenQ you have to ship it, and usually at your cost.

2. BenQ's 1:1 firmware update. Since you can only really buy this monitor online there is no telling if it has the *very* important 1:1 firmware update. If it doesn't you have to ship it to BenQ.

3. I have no need for the HDMI input as I will be using this as a computer monitor and as a HDTV for my XBox 360 via the VGA connector.
I have been in your same boat. I have settled on the Gateway for a couple important (I feel at least) reasons.

1. You may purchase the Gateway monitor in a brick and mortor. This allows you to return the monitor with a quick car ride if there are any issues. (LCD's seem to be prone to issues.) I can also request a specific model number from the sales associate.

With the BenQ you have to ship it, and usually at your cost.

2. BenQ's 1:1 firmware update. Since you can only really buy this monitor online there is no telling if it has the *very* important 1:1 firmware update. If it doesn't you have to ship it to BenQ.

3. I have no need for the HDMI input as I will be using this as a computer monitor and as a HDTV for my XBox 360 via the VGA connector.

Those 3 reasons will certainly help prevent premature balding over your LCD decision. :)

But to elaborate on some of the benefits of keeping those factors in mind:

1) B&Ms give price protection for 21-30 days and have some significant promotions that rival even Dell. That 12% Rewards Zone coupon from BB truly makes the Gateway an awesome deal. Also, if you're dissatisfied for any reason, you can return the monitor and receive a near-instant credit. I'm sitting on @$1,000 in return credits from Dell right now and it kinda sucks not knowing when I'll get it back lol.

2) BenQ's firmware update option is still better than Dell's but you can actually guarantee yourself a 1:1 updated revision BenQ if you order through NCIX. Its maybe $20 more than Newegg and takes a bit longer to be delivered, but its worth it if you go with a BenQ.

3) HDMI is certainly nice, but I think the BenQ also has a built-in card reader, as does the Dell. Not really a primary consideration when choosing which panel to buy, but still nice nonetheless. The 2 component inputs are also nice on the Gateway as one can be used for HD Cable and the other for perhaps a DVD player or older console or Wii. Also if you need a 2nd DVI/HDMI connection on the Gateway, there's the option for a switch as Ferris23 said.

But ya, after all I've been through with these 22-24" panels, I'd have to agree the Gateway is the best overall 24" given its price, performance, IQ, features, and availability/returnability. I read through the BenQ thread and there's certainly dud panels there too. Maybe not as many as the early run Gateways, but it seems they're improving with each production run.
the 12% reward zone coupon applies to LCD's too? I was just looking at it and didnt see LCD in the list of items covered.
the 12% reward zone coupon applies to LCD's too? I was just looking at it and didnt see LCD in the list of items covered.

Its a YMMV situation and depends a bit on who rings you up and how convincing you are. ;) I just told the employee it was advertised as an HD LCD/TV and that I planned to use it as a TV/PC/Console. One guy denied me, a cute girl at the store 5 mins down the road asked how much it was (fulfilling the $399 TV and up requirement), hit a few magic numbers and I was out the door with a $598 Gateway FPD24 + tax. Promotion ends 2/18 I believe, so there's still time on it.
I was able to use a 12% off with 10.00 in reward zones coupons for 588.00 +tax out the door.

Like mentioned, it just depends who you ask and what mood they are in.
Those 3 reasons will certainly help prevent premature balding over your LCD decision. :)

But to elaborate on some of the benefits of keeping those factors in mind:

1) B&Ms give price protection for 21-30 days and have some significant promotions that rival even Dell. That 12% Rewards Zone coupon from BB truly makes the Gateway an awesome deal. Also, if you're dissatisfied for any reason, you can return the monitor and receive a near-instant credit. I'm sitting on @$1,000 in return credits from Dell right now and it kinda sucks not knowing when I'll get it back lol.

2) BenQ's firmware update option is still better than Dell's but you can actually guarantee yourself a 1:1 updated revision BenQ if you order through NCIX. Its maybe $20 more than Newegg and takes a bit longer to be delivered, but its worth it if you go with a BenQ.

3) HDMI is certainly nice, but I think the BenQ also has a built-in card reader, as does the Dell. Not really a primary consideration when choosing which panel to buy, but still nice nonetheless. The 2 component inputs are also nice on the Gateway as one can be used for HD Cable and the other for perhaps a DVD player or older console or Wii. Also if you need a 2nd DVI/HDMI connection on the Gateway, there's the option for a switch as Ferris23 said.

But ya, after all I've been through with these 22-24" panels, I'd have to agree the Gateway is the best overall 24" given its price, performance, IQ, features, and availability/returnability. I read through the BenQ thread and there's certainly dud panels there too. Maybe not as many as the early run Gateways, but it seems they're improving with each production run.

Hmm, I completley forgot that I signed up for a Best Buy 2 year return plan on anything I buy in the categories that are supported. That's not a bad suggestion at all...

I also went to Comp USA for a Mouse/keyboard purchase, and saw the 20/22/24 inches up close. Going from a 20 to 22 is not much difference, but there really is one in the 24, size wise obviously. OK, Gateway it is....especially with that DVI/HDMI switch info.

Anyone know when Best Buy's next 20% coupon is expected to be mailed? I can't buy this thing anyway till march 5th and I've saved up a bit..
Is anyone having problems running the monitor in 1:1 mode in 720p? I ran it for the ps3 and did not get the bars, it was full screen. I don't want that as it looks like it has jaggies all over the place. Anyone know what the deal is? Also, a side note, does the ps3 upscale games to 1080p even though the games are made in 720p?
No, unlike the 360 that DOES upscale 720 to 1080p, the PS3 does not. Which sucks ass.

I also do not get bars at 720P with PS3 but it looks very crisp, not jaggy at all. However this is the fault of the PS3 as my cable box does give me bars at 720p.
No, unlike the 360 that DOES upscale 720 to 1080p, the PS3 does not. Which sucks ass.

I also do not get bars at 720P with PS3 but it looks very crisp, not jaggy at all. However this is the fault of the PS3 as my cable box does give me bars at 720p.

Is there not a fix for getting bars ont he 720p? I ran it at 480p using 1:1 and it looks amazing in it's little square. i want that for my entire screen. 720p is just kind blurry, i am sitting about 2 feet away from it though, that might be why.
I dunno man, I don't think so yet. I blame the PS3 as scaling on the Gateway works flawless on everything else. However you may want to check your settings etc because even close up PS3 @ 720p on my display looks damn near as good as 1080p, just slightly stretched.

I have some screenshots of PS3 720p in this thread. Ideally it would maintain aspect but it looks great regardless.

I'm sure a future firmware for PS3 will fix the issue.
The only thing that is holding me back from this monitor is the 1 year warranty. Kinda crappy since the Dell's come with 3 year standard so I'm still on the fence between the two.
Quick question guys...

I'll be picking up the monitor tomorrow from the nearest BB. Should I get the warranty for it or no? I'm going to try and use that coupon so hopefully it will help. I'm also going to pick up the VGA cable for the 360.


Can't wait. I'll be there as soon as they open. That way I can rush home and enjoy my day off work with my new buddy... Mr. Gateway.
I dunno man, I don't think so yet. I blame the PS3 as scaling on the Gateway works flawless on everything else. However you may want to check your settings etc because even close up PS3 @ 720p on my display looks damn near as good as 1080p, just slightly stretched.

I have some screenshots of PS3 720p in this thread. Ideally it would maintain aspect but it looks great regardless.

I'm sure a future firmware for PS3 will fix the issue.

Your pictures look great running it at 720. Are you using HDMI -> or component? If i can get 720 pictures as sharp as that, i wouldnt mind taht either. Are you running 1:1 or what are your settings for the ps3 when you took those pics? Thanks.