Garage sale


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 5, 2006
I have a few spare parts lying about.. I'll ship to you if you just cover the shipping, I have no room for it on my desk anymore :(

1 x 56k V.92 Modem (Who wants it? lol)
1 x 10/100 PCI Ethernet card (Works well, I think I have the floppy around somewhere, will look later)
1 x 2.5GB Maxtor (IDE) (Manufacture date 09-25-97. works great, will check if someone wants it to make sure)
1 x 20x CD-Rom drive (Might work? lol I dont know, will check if anyone is interested)
2 x 128MB PC100 EDO(?) (Not sure, cant test it in any machine, might work, might not. Will ship free)
1 x floppy drive (? lol)
1 x 2 port USB PCI card (Dont know where drivers are, sorry, but I bet you can find some if Windows doesnt already know it)

Like I said, will send the RAM free, anything else I'll need the shipment money first, since I have absolutely no cash. I hope someone out there can find a use for some of this, its not helping me in any way, would much rather see it put to work.

I'll take the 2 video cards, 18gb hard drive, the PC2700 memory. Let me know what shipping is to Zip 17331, would you? Thanks.