Gamma in games


Dec 13, 2009
Several games offer the ability to set the gamma. I'm going to use ARMA 2 as an example. Its default gamma is somewhere around 1.0. I'd think this should be set to 2.2, which is the sRGB gamma, but on most games it either doesn't go that far, or if it does, the colors don't look good.

What's the proper way to do this? The Nvidia drivers offer gamma correction but only for OpenGL games. If that worked for D3D games I'd prefer to do that. I want accurate colors, the way the artist/designer intended them to be.
Rivatuner allows you to force gamma even in game if you wanna give it a shot. I guess I don't really get that annoyed by it , I just adjust for every game I play , since its such a common adjustment for all video games across any platform.
Color accuracy is meaningless for gaming. Game developers set their color spaces at their own whim and there is nothing like a standard. Just adjust each game so it looks good to you.