Gaming with my 5 year old


Nov 13, 2006
Lego Indy, Spiderman Friend or Foe and Lego Star Wars are the games we play together on the HTPC. Does anyone have any suggestions for games that are two player on the same computer, that both he and I can enjoy? If they get complicated he won't be able to play them of course, but he does great on the above listed games.

Peggle is awesome and has a two-player mode. Grab it through Steam. If you have an nVidia graphics card there's a free somewhat cut down version with a few Valve-themed levels, otherwise there's a demo for the normal version as well.
Blazing Angels allows for split screen play, though it can be quite complicated.
You should definitely check out Gametap's selection. They have a lot of co-operative arcade games. Plus there are tons of kids games for him to play by himself.
There are a lot of good suggestions....When my son was younger I would play the games and he would help me get through them. He really enjoyed that as well. His 2 favorites were Prince of Persia (the sands of time) and Beyond Good and Evil.

humm... I remember when I lived in phoenix I use to get %%$#$#@##$ beat out of me by a 7 year old.. we were playing doom and quake 2 I think...

great for hand eye coordination and tactics. Man she was good. we had so much fun and she had no issues telling between the game and what was real. Might seem wierd but give Doom and Quake a chance.
humm... I remember when I lived in phoenix I use to get %%$#$#@##$ beat out of me by a 7 year old.. we were playing doom and quake 2 I think...

great for hand eye coordination and tactics. Man she was good. we had so much fun and she had no issues telling between the game and what was real. Might seem wierd but give Doom and Quake a chance.

Not sure if the OP wants to expose his kid to "killing" yet. haha. Though it was fine for us :)
my dad's favorite games for us were "wash the car, rake the leaves, do the dishes or I'll fuc*in kill you"

sigh, those were the days :)
When I was a kid, my dad would play Mortal Kombat II with me. I'm pretty sure you could find a copy somewhere!

Seriously, he did. But for your purposes, get a sports game or something. A Tony Hawk game could be fun...
a racer in the spirit of mario kart... There is a lot of freeware in that segment... some involving sheeps lol...
One that folks haven't mentioned in here is the Zoo Tycoon series. My 4 and 8 year old kids love it. Although I had to laugh when my daughter unleashed a T-Rex upon the public because some of them didn't like her Zoo. :)