gaming steering wheel setup...

Shy 7th

Sep 6, 2004
So... all the posts out there seem only to talk of which ones to get and which ones suck. What I'm looking for is actually setting it up, bear with...

So my roommate got a stearing wheel and pedals to play GT4. Don't ask me which one, I don't know. It works fine, all the buttons work, its calibrates itself on every start-up etc. etc.

The problem we are having is physically setting it up; physically placing it somehow that it is comfortable to use. Yes, it has the clamps to attach to a table or desk, but what to attach it to?
A desk would be perfect... but the bigscreen is in the living room... no desks there.
Then we thought, "move the kitchen table into the living room." But its too big and we cant see the TV.
What about the coffee table? Too short, we're 4 full-grown adult males and can't really fit our legs uder the coffee table and still get our feet on the pedals.

We've tried the board-across-the-recliner-arms thing... it doesn't work, our arms are too long to drive on our laps. The force feedback is too strong anyways.

The best I can think of is obtaining a sawhorse and cutting it short.

Currently the steering wheel is attached to a flimsy tv-dinner tray. We had to weigh it down with half a volume of an encyclopedia to keep it steady. This isn't cutting it.

Any suggestions?
Have any of you ever tackled this problem before?
I've got no help for you, but I just want to say that your vivid descriptions of your predicament were cracking me up. Good luck. :)
I've got an old school lounger with long arms that I put a piece of mdf across and clamp it to the arms using some C-clamps. I use a stack of cd cases to prop up the mdf so my knees fit more comfortably under it. If I had a camera I'd get a picture but it works perfectly for me and my roommate, we are both 6' and i'm not a "small" guy if you know what I mean.
RagingSamster, that looks bloody awesome I couldn't even imagine but it looks like I'd get motion sickness from that, not that I've ever got motion sickness before.
i have the logitech driving force (non-pro) wheel; ive been using just the little lap adapter thing that can clamp onto the base of the wheel; its been working pretty good actually.

when i first started out it was hard to get used to having the thing between my legs; and the pedals below.

i wish i had a table for my wheel tho; unfortunatly we have one of those biiiiig couches that go around the whole room. :(