Gaming on the cheap?

Dr. Righteous

Aug 1, 2007
I'm the type that waits for AAA titles to drastically drop in price before buying. I keep my eye on steam sales but usually the best titles are not heavily discounted.
I've been wanting The Witcher Wild Hunt for a while, but I don't want to pay $30 or $40 for it.
Usually about $20 bux is where my cut off it. (yeah, I'm a cheap skate)
So I've heard of some web sites (legit sites) you can score a steam key pretty cheap. like :

I'm seeing The Witcher Wild Hunt as cheap as $18 bux on there.

Anyone purchased games from this site??
Google is your friend. Look up reviews and merchant feedback. You are going to get all kinds of holier than thou conversation from most people here.

Just do some research independent of this forum is my suggestion.
Google is your friend. Look up reviews and merchant feedback. You are going to get all kinds of holier than thou conversation from most people here.

Just do some research independent of this forum is my suggestion.
I've read some reviews which were mostly positive. The negatives were site is sometimes slow in responding. I didn't see anyone claiming rip off.
But then again; internet review are often bought an paid for.
That is the reason for this post.
My local WalMart had witcher 3 for $20 not too long ago. Right now witcher 2 is $9.. What happens is their vendors push games that they really dont have a shelf spot for, so they go into clearence quickly, and their system discounts automatically based on how long the item sits
If you are buying Witcher 3 for the first time do yourself a favor and get the goty version. Dlc is just as good if not better than the base game.
Hey guys, I tried CDKeys; was able to score Fallout4 for $16. WooT! 24GB download on steam; what a whale!

Unfortunately look like my old HD7870 has met it's match. Pretty slow in high settings for this game.
I see a RX480 with 8GB on the horizon pretty soon.

Anyway, thanks for the input everyone!
If you are buying Witcher 3 for the first time do yourself a favor and get the goty version. Dlc is just as good if not better than the base game.

The DLC is better than most full $60 games. So yes, don't pass on it.
I have about 20 purchases from Kinguin over the past year. I only had one transaction that wasn't immediately proccessed/key emailed. I e-mailed customer support and they got back to me in about a day and processed the order. Would recommend.
I have used CDkeys plenty of times also. Make sure before you buy the game, that the game region code is listed as "Global". If it says EU then your steam key won't register unless you use a VPN.
Cjscdkeys, cdkeys, kinguin, g2a etc all positive experiences from these over past 4 years of transactions.
I've bought from cdkeys, kinguin, g2a, and greenmangaming. All positive experiences, no issues at all. Would recommend any of them to buy from
Greenmangaming though is a legit site.
I also used gamersgate and getgamesgo in the past for some deals. Those are also legit sites.

Typically, I end up using cdkeys, kinguin, g2a and for most my gaming needs.
Even at $60, the witcher 3 was a steal in my opinion. Many, many, many hours of awesomeness.

But not biting even at $30? Which includes all the DLCS too? Hmmm, I think you're cursed. Lol