Gaming LCD advice (HELP ME!)


Limp Gawd
Jan 29, 2004
BenQ FP91G+
ViewSonic VA1912wb
ViewSonic VX922

Ive done some research about favorable gaming displays and these apear to be the choice picks from the ~$300 price range I am aiming for. I intend to use this monitor for gaming above all other things, so in-game performace is is the only issue i am concerned with. If any of you are knowlegable of the realistic performance advantages of any of these monitors, will you please give me your personal opinion as to why the certain monitor is above par in comparison to the others and why it would be a good choice.
Thanks in advance :D
I have the L90D+ and i am very happy with it. But then again, i am probably not the best example since i don't seem to be very sensitive to ghosting. I play mostly FPS and can't see any ghosting nor any other downsides to the monitor.

However, the panel is old. I'm sure there are newer models out now, performing better than the Hyundai, but I'm very happy with it.
Im having the same dilema, but I have narrowed my choices down to the Benq FP93GX and the Viewsonic vx922, And I'm not sure what to buy. However, I am pretty sure that in the sub $300 price range and used for %100 gaming these are the two best. The Benq FP93GX is supposedly going to be the new monitor of CPL and the Viewsonic has great reviews thus far. Gonna sit on it awhile I guess... It will be interesting to see what the pros think of using an LCD.
jmanlp said:
will be interesting to see what the pros think of using an LCD.

Haha!!! I can tell you that without being a "pro": They'll tell you to avoid LCD monitors like a pest when you're a pro gamer. Stick with CRT, the biggest you can afford. Makes sense, too. LCD's are nice to look at, light, portable, have a clear picture and all that but nothing beats a CRT in terms of versatility and color reproduction, not even talking about native resolution being a non issue nor ghosting, banding, input lag or other things you have as downsides with LCDs.
I know what you mean, I am far from being a pro, but I do get very competitive at LANs, but not so much that I want to lug a 70+ lb monitor around to them. I figure if I have the best gaming LCD out now, then it's going to be my skills holding me back.
Well, anyways, from the list above i would definately rule out the widescreen Viewsonic. Why? Because it's a 19" widescreen and you lose a hellotta pixels compared to a 4:3 ratio 19" screen. A 19" widescreen is about as tall as a regular 15" LCD screen. Widescreen is good only 20" and up. Anything below and the picture is simply too small.

I'd probably get either the 922 or the 3ms Hyundai. Benq....well, i've seen a couple on display and always thought they look subpar. My L90D+ is great, but the newer Hyundai should surpass it. Leaves the 3ms Hyundai vs. the 922 Viewsonic. I guess both would do the trick.
Im having the same problem, I was going to hold out for a Dell but it seems thier getting bad reviews and people are returning alotta their monitors for various defects, and I heard their doing away with coupon deals because of last quarter earnings being really low. So Ive been looking at viewsonic lcds, the 19 inch is the lowest size Ill go but I really want a 21+ widescreen one. Hmm..

Id go for the 922 if I wasn't gonna sit awhile longer.
I took ScYcS' sdvice to stick with the 2-3ms firepower and ruled out the Hyundai based upon the pixel latency times in certain cenarios and the display's Overdrive performace, making every frame rederable on time.
Hyundai & Viewsonic

Hyundai & Viewsonic

Ordered from zipzoomfly today, hoping for the best.
Thanks for all your help
cool good luck with it if you wouldnt mind post some pics and review the monitor or something if you can. ;)
jmanlp said:
It will be interesting to see what the pros think of using an LCD.

Elitists will say that CRT is infinately better than LCD.

In reality, nearly all of the shortcomings of LCD's that have deterred gamers have been fixed in recent years. The only things that CRT displays are better at are black levels (negligible at 1000:1 or higher), true blacks, non-native resolutions, and having a refresh rate higher than 60hz.

I've been gaming on an LCD for about two years now, and I'll never go back to a CRT. LCD's provide more vibrant colors, clearer picture, are more portable, and are just plain sexier. CRT's just look fuzzy and dull in comparison to a good LCD.
I got a L90D+ last summer and love it, i also have a 740B on my linux box..maybe its the size but i like the L90+ a tad better. It could just be the size of the LCD too. I know its a older monitor but i still think its good.
chiablo said:
Elitists will say that CRT is infinately better than LCD.

In reality, nearly all of the shortcomings of LCD's that have deterred gamers have been fixed in recent years. The only things that CRT displays are better at are black levels (negligible at 1000:1 or higher), true blacks, non-native resolutions, and having a refresh rate higher than 60hz.

I've been gaming on an LCD for about two years now, and I'll never go back to a CRT. LCD's provide more vibrant colors, clearer picture, are more portable, and are just plain sexier. CRT's just look fuzzy and dull in comparison to a good LCD.

While I agree with you about the benefits of an LCD I would not agree that all the shortcomings have been addressed for the hardcore gamer, which is why few competitive FPS gamer use an LCD. You note some of these but they are not insignificant: there is inevitable input lag on all LCDs (in the area of 10-20ms) but in some cases higher and very noticeable, there is unbearable tearing with vsync off and the LCD's lower frame rate cap with vsync on, more motion blur and potentially ghosting still on all LCDs, noticeable loss of detail at non-native resolutions, etc.

Only a tiny niche even among gamers are significantly affected by these problems such that the non-gaming benefits of an LCD do not outweigh the costs for these gamers, but the limitations do still exist and so does this constituency for the CRT.
Loque said:
While I agree with you about the benefits of an LCD I would not agree that all the shortcomings have been addressed for the hardcore gamer, which is why few competitive FPS gamer use an LCD. You note some of these but they are not insignificant: there is inevitable input lag on all LCDs (in the area of 10-20ms) but in some cases higher and very noticeable, there is unbearable tearing with vsync off and the LCD's lower frame rate cap with vsync on, more motion blur and potentially ghosting still on all LCDs, noticeable loss of detail at non-native resolutions, etc.

Only a tiny niche even among gamers are significantly affected by these problems such that the non-gaming benefits of an LCD do not outweigh the costs for these gamers, but the limitations do still exist and so does this constituency for the CRT.

Well said .. This is exactly why Im still using a CRT, The input lag & vsync issue's alone is enough to keep me in CRT land.

Also black levels / shadow detail make a big differance when watching movies ,especially at night.

Never had a problem reading text on my Trinitron CRTs either , running my current one at 1920x1200 desktop.