Gaming Keyboard


Aug 24, 2006
Unlike gaming mouse which makes gaming a whole lot better and easier, is it really worth to spend on gaming keyboards as well??
Not IMO, I'm using this simple keyboard
I think it's worth it, if anything so that it can look really good with your other peripherals.
I prefer the 'clicky' type keyboards and preferably one that has some weight to it. I'd never buy one just for looks.
I'm using a logitech wave - it's almost identical to the one pictured above, but with contoured keys for better ergonomics - not a gaming keyboard, but it works. since i use the numpad instead of wasd, i always go for keyboards w/ the edit keys (above the arrows) turned vertically, so i can use them more easily for weapon/inventory slots. i've also started using the big delete key instead of tab for score/objectives etc.

the only actual gaming keyboard i've ever considered was the razor tarantula 'cause it has the vertical edit keys along w/ the macro keys on the right side for tons of weapon slots etc, but in the end i decided to go for something simpler for cost reasons.
My G15 is fantastic, orange backlight is a godsend if you want to immerse yourself in a game with the lights off. Use Sir Reals mod, with the gamepanel for Fraps reading etc. G keys are cool too. Some say V1 is better but V2 is the next best. Personally the smaller footprint on the V2 is the deciding factor. Worth the money.
You can see what I have in my sig. For the mainstream user, regular keyboards are great. But I perfer low profile key, which shorten the distance from the keytop to the actual button. This does decrease reaction time. Most "normal" keys on a keyboard are fairly tall. It's hard to go back to a regular keyboard once you play on a performance board. Just my 2 cents.
Deck Legend. There is no finer keyboard that can be purchased new today in my opinion.
I prefer standard keyboards as I don't need any macro keys and I hate multimedia keys. Also, some games have conflicts with the drivers that some gaming keyboards use. F.EA.R. used to have frame rate drops if you had a Logitech GWhatever keyboard plugged in (they fixed that eventually, I imagine), and I hear NBA2K9 has a similar issue.
I used to want lights on my keyboard, because, well, hey, lights.

I painted my Old Rev.1 G15 Black, only to find it is a PAIN in the ASS to carry around LANing.

So I gave the burden of the keyboard to my gf, then I bought a cheapo $20 keyboard from Frys. Has no numpad, AND its slim laptop like keyboard. The thing is so light easy to put in a bag and very portable.
I believe the most important part of the keyboard is the amount of keys that can be pressed at once. If it's less than four, I'd look at another keyboard.
I prefer standard keyboards as I don't need any macro keys and I hate multimedia keys. Also, some games have conflicts with the drivers that some gaming keyboards use. F.EA.R. used to have frame rate drops if you had a Logitech GWhatever keyboard plugged in (they fixed that eventually, I imagine), and I hear NBA2K9 has a similar issue.

This is why I like the Deck Legend. None of those BS keys are found on their keyboards.
Frankly, I think the only reason you should really put a lot of money down on a keyboard is if you like all the extra bells and whistles such as lights, design, etched keys, and extra keys like media buttons/etc. In my experience some more expensive keyboards feel significantly better as far as button pressing/mashing (lol).

I am completely happy with my eclipse gaming keyboard. It lights up blue to match the rest of my rig :D

Saitek Eclipse II...Sweeet!

wo0t!!! lol
Well I am least intrested in anything flashy (extra colored lights or LCD display on the KB) or any decicated keys for multimedia or other applications. I am into programming for more than a decade so I am used to standard windows keyboard shortcuts and I like it that way.

The real reason I why asked for gaming keyboard is just like Logitech G5 and MX518 mice which are specificially designed for gaming, makes gaming a whole lot easier by making it much more precise and accurate.

Take an example when you are playing Crysis using a standard mouse, you might find shooting or any other action bit hard, however with a G5 or MX518 its a whole lot easier and fun. Crystal clear tracking, three sensitivity settings, no bumps or skips across the screen at all. The programmable buttons are a life saver. Excellent for first person gaming

Similarly some people might find "W", "A", "D", and "Z" keys for motion bit hard to manage in normal shooter games. Take an example when you are fighting with alien troops, you got to be extermely fast, which you might find hard to do that with a normal mouse (Changing the nano suit mode instantly), but I guess with gaming mouse it might be easy and much more accurate and above all else, its more of a fun to perform that kind of action with those mice (not sure though, because I have'nt tried any of those gaming mice. I am going to purchase either of them this weekend. Still undecided which one to go for:eek:)

So in case of keyboard is there any standard gaming KB which can make the motions like jumping, changing suit mode running etc easier and precise, then only I will consider spending extra on a gaming KB
I use a G15. For "gaming", in the generic [H] usage (online, FPS games) I don't see it being necessary. I play a lot of Silent Hunter, and so spend a lot of time in the dark, lights off, trying to make out night surface contacts on a near pitch-black screen. The backlighting is a godsend in that situation since I couldn't see the keyboard at all otherwise. The macro keys are occasionally useful as well for mapping multi-key commands to a single key.

The lcd is great for keeping track of the time, and hardware monitoring. There are SpeedFan and EVGA Precision plugins for the G15.
nah, aside from looking mammoth, my g11 has proven to be as useful as any other keyboard. though it is alot more comfortable for gaming than a standard beige.

i think i'll try a saitek eclipse next.

find one that feels good and is on sale.

edit: ah yes, the g11 is great at stealing 82% of my usb bandwidth.
That Deck Legend looks sweet but $160.......ouch! Does anyone know if you can adjust the brightness level on this keyboard?

Also, the Eclipse 3 was recently announced and looks pretty cool.

Yes you can. It has several different brightness levels. The Eclipse III does look sweet but I can't stand typing on membrane keyboards. Mechanical switches FTW!
if you have the extra money then get a gaming keyboard if you play mmos and the like they can be very usefull with the macro keys but for fps games you rly only need a simple keyboard even a ps/2 one is good
My Ideazon Merc Stealth was "almost" perfect. It had the red back light to complement my case. It had the unique key setup for gaming. If fails miserably for me because it doesn't have keys z,x,c directly below the a,s,d on the gaming area. I use those a lot on the normal keyboard while gaming. :(

So I'm looking to replace it. I've always been a fan of the special gamers keyboards. I own the Wolfking Warrior which is perfect, except with a full size keyboard it doesn't work for me. The Wolfking has to sit to far left. So I stopped using it and bought the Merc Stealth. The Timberwolf would be an option but no back lighting.

Recently I saw light at the end of the tunnel. The Microsoft X6 sidewinder You can remove the keypad completely (I don't use the keypad).

I'm thinking get the Sidewinder X6, ditch the keypad allowing me to move the keyboard further right and use the Wolfking Warrior. :D

Then I saw the Everglide DKTboard. It's sharp looking, very compact. The only issue is the blue back lighting (I'd prefer red). This could also work with the Wolfking.

That new Saitek III looks interesting. I loved my Saitek Eclipse.

Now I don't know what to do. :confused: I have to many requirements. :D
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I had some disposable income, and decided to spoil myself with a Logitech G11 (didn't have enough disposable income for a G15).

I love the volume control for use with my headphones, and the backlighting is a must for anybody that enjoys the odd game in total darkness (still need to tweak my monitor so that it doesn't kill my eyes)... but I haven't found much use for the macro buttons just yet. I haven't really looked at how they work, but I'm hoping that I can use them for Photoshop shortcuts, MS Word shortcuts, Visual Studio/Eclipse shortcuts, and CS: Source purchase combos.

All in all, a gaming keyboard isn't totally necessary, with the exception of a few games. Gaming keyboards also support a larger number of simultaneous keypresses, which comes in handy for both RTSs and complicated FPSs.
Sidewinder X6. Like the feel of the keys, adjustable backlight and all the other goodies.
The wolfking warrior was a solution that I was looking at as well and if I would have known about DoD: Source being included as a package for +$5 at local retailers I probably would have picked that solution.
I'm sending my G15 back, after 2 weeks the backlight has become uneven and the wrist rest still doesn't fit properly. Poor build quality and I miss my wireless Microsoft with a sleep button, PS2 power on via keyboard (as power button on case is a pain) and easy volume control. How fickle I am