Gaming & Firewall


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2004
I'm not really sure what's causing this, but I suspect my firewalls. Basically, I cannot host any online game, Far Cry, Half Life, CoD, etc. I think it's because of my windows firewall but I'm not sure. Also, I've built three other machines, all with the same problem, and all with sp2. I know hardware, and software, just not networking. Most of these machines are on a linksys router. (I'm not sure about my brothers - he's out of state.)

If y'all have any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys,

did you forward the ports the server programs use throu the linksys?
Turn off that gay ass SP2 firewall, its useless and causes nothing but problems You will then need to foward the appopriate ports in your hardware firewall to your machines IP to allow people to access your hosted games because right now, its blocking all outside access into your machine.
Which ports should I forward, or is it different for all games?

I know before, I used to go to DMZ host, and simply change the last 3 digits to match my ip, and it would work. Now it doesn't.


The ports are different for each game. I would look for tutorials online for each one.

Is there anything I can do to simplify this? I don't mean to complain, but I have around 7 ports to forward for every game, and I don't have room on the list on the linksys. (It's kinda old, maybe I should by a new one? Thanks,

jenkins said:

Is there anything I can do to simplify this? I don't mean to complain, but I have around 7 ports to forward for every game, and I don't have room on the list on the linksys. (It's kinda old, maybe I should by a new one? Thanks,


Yeah, you could DMZ the router to your computer, but then you've opened up every single port to your connection and your just asking for a virus/spyware/hacking attack and if your being a server, DEFINENTLY not a good thing.

Its not that hard man, 7 port ranges to input into the port forwarding isn't gonna take you that long. Just do some googling for the games you wanna host, input the ranges and you'll be done before you know it. If you don't have room for all those ranges then you might wanna think about upgrading. Even more important then that, since your hosting games, having a good quality router to handle all those incoming and outgoing traffic for speed and relability is major must for hosting. Go grab a D-Link 4100/4300 or the kick butt Linksys WRT54Gs. I've used both and they work very well, easy to setup, fast and stable.