Gaming Firewall Help


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 11, 2003
Me My Brother And A Friend Want To Battle On Nfsu But When Me Or My Brother Tries To Create A Game When It Starts It Kicks Who Ever Wasnt The Game Creator Out
Say My Brother Created The Game, When I Join It Will Say Launching Game Then Just Before It Starts I Get A Pop Up In The Game That Says Unable To Connect Due To Firewall. If My Friend Creates It I Get The Same Thing. If I Create It My Brother Gets It.
We Are On A Network Dsl.
How Can We Fix This Problem So I Can Whip Them In Drifting?
I'm not going to read something that looks that obnoxious too closely, but a common fix for games behind a firewall is to open a different port to each machine, and (if available) force each machine to said port. Most come with a range (say 10 or so) that are acceptable, and Google can probably find them for you.

Otherwise, try to write like a normal human being instead of the lowlifes who fill my email daily with pen0s opportunities.
Everyone Rags On My Typing. Its Just A Bad Habitt That Cant Be Broken. Well Maybe For A Certain Figure. Maybe CC? :)