
May 30, 2007
Hey am new,
Have started a flash games website at:
Am interested to see what you all think and anything you think could be improved. Hope you will enjoy it and also if any1 has any php questions I might be able to help


Mr. HomeBlend:D :cool: :eek:
My work proxy doesn't block it. A+ for that. Seems to be a lot of wasted space. Not the best color scheme. Could use better organization.
Logo could use maybe some black lines so it looks more like a fridge rather than some weird shape. Not really liking the font combo used on the logo either. I think the color scheme is good and there isn't any wasted space (I'm on 1280x1024 though). The games are pretty good and I love the user agreement :D
Look at the three game divs with the Play now links. Lots of wasted space. And the information crammed towards the bottom.
I agree to use this site responsibly and at the discretion of both HomeBlend Media and the internet bill payer/provider.
[This next part is for users in schools and colleges only]
I agree not to use this site during lessons or study time without the permission of the teacher/ tutor/ member of staff.
[The above is for users in schools and colleges only]
I agree to alert or homeblendmedia of any unsutible content found on this site.

Is that at all necessary? Especially the school / college stuff. Why do you care? Hell, I surfed all the time in high school when I wasn't supposed to be. That means extra traffic for you, who cares if they turn out dumb.

And I guess I don't understand the point of any of it...
big thanks for your comments,
"Seems to be a lot of wasted space. Could use better organization"
Have taken this into account and have rearranged some of the homepage to use up some of that space as I agree it was a little wasted.
"Logo could use maybe some black lines so it looks more like a fridge rather than some weird shape. Not really liking the font combo used on the logo either"
Hmm... I have taken your points into account and will start surveying for ways to improve the banner.
And as for the user agreement it has been put in place because of an arrangement I have with a few local schools. I'm very thankful that nobody ever pays any attention to it :) .

Once again a big thanks for all your comments, if you have any more on the changes I've made since please say so and most of all I hope you continue to enjoy the site. If your school/ work proxy blocks the domain you can always use address instead which goes to the same place.

Mr. HomeBlend :p :rolleyes: :eek: