Galaxy Note coming to Sprint?


Jan 8, 2007
Hey guys, I'm eligible to upgrade my EVO 4G in April and just wanted to know if anything has been said about the Galaxy Note coming to Sprint?

I think ATT is the only carrier getting it right now, is this correct?
From one of the rumor articles, they mention that often one carrier gets a 2 month head start on a new phone design, so they are predicting about 2 months after ATT gets it.
If Sprint gets the Note then I'll definitely be staying with them, but I am willing to switch carriers to get the Note.

Hopefully I won't have to switch though *fingers crossed*

Thanks for the info guys.
Im not actually sure but it depends on which company will pay the most money to get it first. Kind of like SOny and Microsoft. Thats why you see the iphone on other services now.
I saw and handled the Samsung Note at CES and while it looks capable -- I just couldn't get over it being in that "in-between" size between phone and tablet......
I saw and handled the Samsung Note at CES and while it looks capable -- I just couldn't get over it being in that "in-between" size between phone and tablet......

This is exactly why I want the Note. I use data and text way more than actual voice calls. I only use on average 20-30 minutes per month so having a small tablet with phone capabilities is right up my alley :p
I have not handled the note, but i loved the size of the dell streak. I want the biggest possible phone that fits in my pocket -- a thin 5" device does that no problem.