Galaxy GTX 470 - $197.86 @ egg w/mafia 2 +MIR

Don't mean to threadcrap but there's a $230 AC ASUS 470 with a $30 MIR on the egg. Same price but 20 bucks less out of pocket expense.
Don't mean to threadcrap but there's a $230 AC ASUS 470 with a $30 MIR on the egg. Same price but 20 bucks less out of pocket expense.

I'd get the Galaxy over the ASUS. I bought two of the asus on black friday, and have had to RMA twice already. First one claims to be "voltage tweak edition" but wouldn't go above .975 volts (stock was .912) without hard crashing, even at stock clocks, and replacement one was just dead. Artifacts at stock clocks and voltages.
wait....I'm seeing $259 - $20 instant = $239 with free shipping.

the $50 rebate brings it to $189
I keep waiting and keep waiting for one of these things to hit $200 period with no MIR but it doesn't look like that's ever gonna happen. I may have to just bite on this one. But I keep thinking maybe next week one will drop...ugh decisions.
wait....I'm seeing $259 - $20 instant = $239 with free shipping.

the $50 rebate brings it to $189

Im seeing 259.99 - 20 Instant - 50 Rebate + 7.87 Shipping
Which brings it to 197.86 (the OP's original price..)

I want free shipping!
But for me, i would see CA tax :mad:
I keep waiting and keep waiting for one of these things to hit $200 period with no MIR but it doesn't look like that's ever gonna happen. I may have to just bite on this one. But I keep thinking maybe next week one will drop...ugh decisions.

your asking a lot there. these things are majorly expensive to build. they may already be at a loss there. so its a pretty good deal. my only issue is the power draw and heat. that and it still needs to drop the price against the 6870 for that. but I don't think that they can really do that.

of course now that I have said that if you do buy one then next week the will have a price drop.
Probably pretty close.

OK, one buy this. We hold out for $150!!
Once clocked, 470's going to be the better card. Might burn down the house, but it's quicker.

Hate to use Tweaktown, but it's a good enough comparo against an oced 5870 and stock 480.
your asking a lot there. these things are majorly expensive to build. they may already be at a loss there. so its a pretty good deal. my only issue is the power draw and heat. that and it still needs to drop the price against the 6870 for that. but I don't think that they can really do that.

of course now that I have said that if you do buy one then next week the will have a price drop.

You may be right but with 5850's routinely dropping to $200 and the Egg had a 470 for $200 on Black Friday so I don't think its unrealistic of. I mainly want it over a 5850 cause I'm tired of ATI driver fail.
I have a 470, and its great... I bought it when it was 300 (ouch).

No need to SLI this yet.. I don't have the monitors for nvision (or whatever), but it runs starcraft2 and the like at full settings (at 1920 x 1080)
You may be right but with 5850's routinely dropping to $200 and the Egg had a 470 for $200 on Black Friday so I don't think its unrealistic of. I mainly want it over a 5850 cause I'm tired of ATI driver fail.

I always laugh when I here that. I had to sell my last nvidia due to a driver bug. there are current a lot of people that can't figure out why their better driver fermi cards are only working at half capacity. Grass isn't really any green but more like picking your issues. I have had issues with both.

having said that Nvidia may or may not play price match. if I had to put money on it I would say they will not. they have EOL the 470GTX will probably play it out like they did with the 280/285GTX. but that would only be my bet if I had to make one. they don't have a good answer to the 6800 series and while they have had their asses handed to them in the consumer market the saving grace for them that is the professional market might make it so that they could simply write the losses of a price match off. so its not a good bet.

at the end of the day if you want to upgrade (or in this case sidegrade) you could spend months waiting for the price point you want. right now if I had to buy Nvidia I would wait for the 560GTX. failing waiting I would go with a pair of 460GTX (even 768mb if cost was an issue) or go for a 570GTX. but even then if you can wait the price on the 570GTX should drop, the 6950 matches it in real world game play making it a little over priced so I think we will see it adjusted. the 580GTX isn't really worth considering given the price difference between it and the 570GTX
I think I want go for the eyefinity...does the GTX do something similar?
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If you want to SLI them, don't try to SLI two GTX 470 GCs without any clearance between the two cards. The cooler will not function with no room.
I think I want go for the eyefinity...does the GTX do something similar?

yes but it takes two cards. at the least you should have a pair of 460GTX for that. I would def avoid the 470GTX for that as its a VERY power hungry setup. a pair of 570GTX would be awesome for that. if your on a tighter budget then go to a 6950 as a single card can run it and do a pretty good job
what do you think about 2 - GTX 460s with 768Mb

your memory limited there but otherwise its the cheapest practical solution. the only thing you will like miss out on is AA. you could do 3 22" screens pretty well that way. and without breaking the bank.

I would still lean towards AMD here though. a 6950 can easily run 3 screens much better. so can a 6870 for around the same cost. while there is a lot of value in a pair of 768mb 460GTX for 3 screens your best bang for the buck is by far an AMD 5000 or 6000 card. esp the 6950 if you can swing it.