Galactic Civilization 2 won't start


Dec 2, 2005
I recently installed the game, and everything works fine at first. Then I decided to play around with the options. I changed the resolution to 1680 * 1050 at first to see the effect. Game says to restart for changes to take effect, ok, did that. next time the game started, everything looks a little stretched. I have widescreen btw. I decided to see if there are other resolutions to play with. There is a1050 by 1680 resolution, I checked on that one to see what happens. Next time the game starts, only a black screen occupying a little more than half the screen appears. I had to forcefully shut down the game. I tried uninstalling, reinstalling. Didn't work.

Please help. thanx
The game is keeping the same settings, because uninstalling isn't removing the Gal Civ files in "My Documents -> My Game -> GalCiv2." It's the pref.ini file that needs to be changed.