G9X vs G500 Video Comparison

Wow that is a very relavent and useful video review, I had been looking for something similar for ages before I just went with the G500.

Thanks this is interesting even after the purchase.
pretty good review. i didn't consider the G500. good thing too as i don't like mice that drag. G9x ftw!
I agree about the middle button on the G9x. I never map to it since its so tough to click. It is somewhat of a design flaw, altough I have accidently clicked it plenty on other mice. I will never have to worry about that.
I used to think that about the g9x, that the middle button was very annoying to push, after about a week or two of using the g9x I became mostly comfortable with the middle button, now I just push hard on it without thinking.

The best thing about these mice is the sensor, it simply rules, and puts the typical phillips twin eye sensor to shame. I can not bare to use my Imperator (or the Mamba I returned) because I hate that sensor so much, shame considering how good the Death Adder was.
just got the G500 and i love it....considered the G9x, but well only sometime sin gaming do i go to fingering grip.....love your review though.....would have just pushed me towards the G500 seeing it "in use" like that.....

gotta say though, i just tapped my class ring on the mouse wheel for the G500 and it made a cling, which you wouldn't get off plastic, so i think its a metal of some kind, though i may be wrong.......