G.Skill 2GB HZ D9GMH $$117.99 + S&H Newegg

Damn you. I live in West Covina, which is just a 15 minute drive from Newegg's City of Industry warehouse and it takes them two to three days to ship to my place. Then again, most of my parts always seem to come from New Jersey or Tennessee than Cali.

that happened to me once :( just once though hehe.
:( That doesn't help. Pics for our loss!!

I really, really, REALLY wish I had pics for you to see, but Fed-Ex tells me that my shipment will not arrive until tomorrow.

Until then......this will have to hold you over: ;)
No problem, I've got some G.Skills coming Thur/Fri...will do some nice hi-res, perhaps wallpaper worthy. ;)
Now that's more like it. Beautiful and now my work wallpaper, graci!
They are beautiful, but honestly, the pic doesn't do them justice. Gloss black paint with machined logo/accents. The memory is so sexy, it's still sitting on my desk.

But don't get it twisted, I'm going to break those bitchs in tonight.

I see your G.Skill's and I'll raise you a set of REAPERS. :p


only 2 GB and + they goona die in a 680I board. anything higher then DDR2 400/533/667/800 memory is most likey to die. :(

I should know It happend to me twice.
only 2 GB and + they goona die in a 680I board. anything higher then DDR2 400/533/667/800 memory is most likey to die. :(

I should know It happend to me twice.

Captain Cheer, ladies and gentleman....he'll be here all week.
Be sure to tip your waitress. :rolleyes:

I have a GigaByte GA-965P-DS3, by the way.
I played arround with overclocking. there a new bios for my 680I P28, il check with that one later. but I got my cpu to 3.8Ghz *stable :eek: * and 1000mhz 4-4-3-5 timings on the ram on the P27 bios.

Very good memory, I get better overclocking on that ram, yay.

I will post back when I get home and put the P28 bios.
For the record, I now have a 680i board as well - the EVGA 680i LT SLI (A1).
The OCZ's are running at 1100 / 5-5-5-15 and I haven't even started messing with them to see how much higher they'll go.

Very nice overclock, by the way, Loco.
Got mine a couple days ago. Also go the black pcb, love it. I'm a fan of Gskill now simply because of the numerous colors they offer. The machined logo is kinda boring and the warranty sticker is too big and can't be removed :( but I can overlook it for now. Would rather not have stickers on my hardware. I should also customize the covers to say Digg but that's another thing.....Waiting for the new HSF and I'll be set.

Pimp ass cable management using pimp ass cables. I also like the paintwork. You should try doing some car audio installs, the analness would transfer well.
P28 bios killed my board D: im posting from my phone...

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Holy crap - that sucks man.
PM me if you need someone to search the internet / forums and email you advice on possible fixes while you're without a computer.
I managed to keep timings up to 1000Mhz by bumping to 2.2V. It had help from an Antec Spot on low as seen in the 2nd pic. I'll be mounting the 120 Extreme tomorrow (day off, yea!) and that'll make room for another Scythe SFLEX E directly over the G.S's. I'm pretty sure that'll motivate me for 1200Mhz, we'll see. :D


Love the HDD's Qtip!
I managed to keep timings up to 1000Mhz by bumping to 2.2V. It had help from an Antec Spot on low as seen in the 2nd pic. I'll be mounting the 120 Extreme tomorrow (day off, yea!) and that'll make room for another Scythe SFLEX E directly over the G.S's. I'm pretty sure that'll motivate me for 1200Mhz, we'll see. :D


Love the HDD's Qtip!


i envy you my g.skill wont do pass 450 on infinity.
mind sharing your bios setup?

lol i saw you killed a lots of zip ties
Hehe, w/ the exception of, RAM settings were all auto. :) Gaming > tweaking IMO. :p
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In for set myself, think after 8 gigs this month on memory...the wife's gonna kill me heh.:D