Futuristic Games


Limp Gawd
Jul 21, 2005
Can anyone suggest some futuristic / sci-fi games to play?
I played Deus Ex 2 a while back and absolutely loved the game environment.
KotOR was also good.
Don't say Half-Life lol
doanster said:
Can anyone suggest some futuristic / sci-fi games to play?
I played Deus Ex 2 a while back and absolutely loved the game environment.
KotOR was also good.
Don't say Half-Life lol

half life 2 may be the "future" but 90% of the enviroments are or are based on bombed out cities or abandoned warehouses.
the instant i saw the title i thought of half life..

theres q4 but i didn't like it at all.(single player, multi si good for competitive play
Maybe I should have mentioned that I lean towards 'story driven' games as opposed to pure shoot 'em ups :)
you want subtle futuristic ..or "whacked out everything is wierd now" futuristic?

Beyond Good & Evil - somewhat futuristic/scifi
Psychonauts - pushing it, but it definitely aint based in the real-world

neithor of those are FPS, but broaden your horizons. They are excellent games
Fallout 1 & 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Battlezone 1
Heavy Gear 1(my second most favoirte mech game ever, next to the classic version of Mech Warrior 2 + Ghost Bear addon)
Quake Series
Tribes(specifically the first, but all 3 work)
Unreal - all of them
Uplink ?
Warhammer 40k

EDIT: also wanna add Freespace and Deus Ex 1

But if anything, play fallout, youll live a better life for it :p
Another vote for Deus Ex 1. 10x the game the second one was, with a better story
Deus Ex 1 & 2. At the time (with both games) I didn't think graphics could get any better... boy was I wrong... especially with 1. :)
DermicSavage said:
Fallout 1 & 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Battlezone 1
Heavy Gear 1(my second most favoirte mech game ever, next to the classic version of Mech Warrior 2 + Ghost Bear addon)
Quake Series
Tribes(specifically the first, but all 3 work)
Unreal - all of them
Uplink ?
Warhammer 40k

EDIT: also wanna add Freespace and Deus Ex 1

But if anything, play fallout, youll live a better life for it :p

Since you mentioned Tribes, I just wanted to point out that Tribes 1 has been released for free. http://www.sierra.com/downloadfile.do?mediaid=11590
DermicSavage said:
Fallout 1 & 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Battlezone 1
Heavy Gear 1(my second most favoirte mech game ever, next to the classic version of Mech Warrior 2 + Ghost Bear addon)
Quake Series
Tribes(specifically the first, but all 3 work)
Unreal - all of them
Uplink ?
Warhammer 40k

EDIT: also wanna add Freespace and Deus Ex 1

But if anything, play fallout, youll live a better life for it :p
QFT, all those titles are great.
Go for Deus Ex 1, it fills in quite a few holes that DX2 had in the beginning.
Advent Rising. A lot of people were put off from this game because of less than stellar Xbox reviews---but if you anylize those reviews, its mostly cuz of the bad framerate, and not fucking awesome graphics. well on PC, an average system runs the game just fine. yeah the textures may not be anything special, but the art direction is overall very good, and the gameplay is fun too. sort of a max payne or ghost in the shell stand alone complex hybrid. I personally enjoyed the game. try it. its cheap too.
discochan said:
You mentioned KOTOR, have you played KOTOR II

Yup, I started playing it, but gameplay didnt seem like anything new compared to KotOR 1 so I stopped :p