FTP Passive and Active modes Question


Apr 8, 2004
I had a question regarding a problem I am having at one of my offices:

End users are connecting to cloud FTP sites via filezilla from our office. WiFi users connecting to the FTP site have to enable active mode, while wired users have to enable passive mode in order to access FTP sites outside of our office. They are on the same vlan with same policies.

We have a Sonicwall TZ105, ,a few managed switches, and an aruba WiFi network.

Why would that kind of change be necessary for ftp to work?
FTP clients should almost always be using passive mode, it is just easier that way. Active mode gets blocked by NATs, Firewalls, etc unless you add configuration. So the question is why do wifi users have to use active mode.
Could the wifi untis themselves be blocking passive mode for FTP access? Thinking back on it, I noticed I had to change that for wifi clients on connected to the arubas.