FS: Opte 165, A8N32 SLI Deluxe, PC P&C 510 SLI Express, Lian Li PC-V1000A w/ Window.

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Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2005
FYI: All of the below is in excellent condition and has NEVER been abused in anyway. I am selling because I got a little bored and wanted to try something new. That is the only reason I am parting with any of this gear. I have been hunting around for deals over the last three + months and slowly accumulating parts. Finally got everything together and completed the new build this weekend. It is a dual watercooling loop system in a LL 7077A case and I am trying my hand on some Core 2 gear.

Opteron 165 CCBBE 0616 XPMW. $185 OBO A real winner with great stepping that does 3006MHz at 1.47v, Orthos stable for 21 hours on water. The screenshot below shows only 12+ hours but she ran till 21 hours at which point one stick of RAM died and froze the system, so, no 20+ hour screenie. She'll do 3168MHz at 1.58v but it isn't Orthos stable, however, it will do 1M SuperPi and some benchmarks at that clock. This chip has never been above 52c as it has always been on water. I never pulled the IHS and max voltage was 1.63v for about 15 minutes. Comes in original box with all documentation and the OEM HSF which was never unpacked.SOLD & SHIPPED

The whole history of this chip is on this thread http://asustech.15.forumer.com/index.php?showtopic=2135

Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe. $100 shipped Great mobo that wound the above chip up to 3168MHz. The chipsets have always been on water so the heatpipe was never used and the chipsets were kept very cool. Bottomline, no stress on this proven board. I reinstalled the Heatpipe using AS Ceramique. Flashed to the 1303 BIOS. Original box with some cords, manual and original CD..SOLD & SHIPPED

PC Power & Cooling 510 SLI Express PSU. $100 shipped OBO Two years old with 3 years left on the warranty. Not much to say about one of the finest PSUs ever made. Rock solid voltages regardless of load and 510 watts 34amps on the 12v rail is continuous. This PSU peaks at 640 watts 36 amps. If you are overclocking you need a unit this solid. I moved up to a PC P&C 750 Silencer as I got a great deal on one and my new rig will eventually be pulling near the 510 max continuous and more (dual watercooling loops, O/Ced e4300 eventually two 8800gTS cards etc.) of the 510. ..SOLD & SHIPPED

Lian Li PC-V1000A w/ Window. $150 shipped OBO Great case and beautiful looking. Has a brand new window in the side and is in excellent condition. I'll post some photos when I have it reassembled. One of the nicest cases I have ever owned but had to move to a bigger unit as i am now running dual watercooling loops. Went to a LL 7077A. I'll have photos of the case up Thursday evening. The case is pretty much back together and the new window side panel is on. Just waiting on a FDD bay and some replacement Lian Li screws which should be in Thursday. After a careful inspection I can say the case itself is in nearly perfect condition. The bottom slot on the front will have a floppy drive bay. It was supposed to be delivered today but didn't make it. SOLD & SHIPPED

XFX 6800GT w/ Accelero Aftermarket Cooler. $100 shipped OBO Ran this card in SLI and put the other in my wife's rig. Great card that overclocks to Ultra speeds with no effort and 2c increase in temps. Max temps on this card were probably around 62c, generally runs in the mid 50s. Very nice card that is 2.5 years old and under XFX's double lifetime warranty. SOLD & SHIPPED

Heat Merc14
two tears old? So how did the ram die? is the ram going to be for sale also after rma?
I am still editing mate. :D I sold the RAM a couple of weeks ago. Sorry. I am not exactly sure how or why it died but I am guessing that I screwed up my case airflow when I installed the watercooling. There may have been a deadspot over the RAM area and it overheated. Or it just failed, who knows but only one stick died, the other was fine. Corsair replaced both sticks and I added an OEM HSF to cool that area and no problems after that.
Thanks mate-
Finally got the new rig up and running and that 8800GTS sure looks nice in there. :D :D Can't wait till I figure out how to get this rig overclocked right so I can do that gem justice.
I'll have photos of the case up Thursday evening. The case is pretty much back together and the new window side panel is on. Just waiting on a FDD bay and some replacement Lian Li screws which should be in Thursday. After a careful inspection I can say the case itself is in nearly perfect condition.
Bump for the exact same setup I have currently - however paired with an 8800GTX. This system still holds it's own in performance, I can atest to that!
Thanks Vader. Yeah I really hate to part with some of this gear. It was a red-letter day for me when that Opte 165, in the 32 board, hit 3.0GHz on less than 1.5v.

Edited Personal info, no need to post that here assuming that is your info. Keep that stuff to either PM's or another form of communication outside of the forums. - Dr.Evil

for the pc power & cooling 510 turbo

Thanks guys. I stuck the rest on E-Bay. Hopefully it sells there. :D
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