FS: Nintendo Wii + 6 Games (Pick up only (PC Florida), I'll explain why)

I am sorry, I thought pricing this thing as low as I could reasonably, that I would sell it faster. Apparently I was wrong and people think I am just gonna scam them now.
I was set to pick it up. I live semi-local and have no problem taking a 2hr detour to pick it up. However, my car broke down and I was unable to go through because I had to use the money to fix the car. However, he was willing to meet me where ever. He keeps good contact. Kept me informed the whole way. Im with the above poster. The kids hands are tied in the matter. He would do whatever it took, but the parents dont want the hassle. Dont hate, its the real deal. Heh, keep playing around people. If its here long enough Ill get it after all. I also dont see how not wanting to ship something is a scam.
parent's will drive him to meet some stranger off the internet but won't drive him to the post office?

whatever, good luck both to the seller and to the buyer.

Have fun living in a world where everyone is out to get you. ;)

Seriously though, it was probably gonna happen in a Wal Mart parking lot.
I really wish I lived in Florida for this, or there was some shipping option...I was going to buy another Wii bundle that came up here a few days ago but im not sure what happened o_O.
This is not a discussion thread. An offer to sell was made and the details of payment outlined. Either you want the deal or not....no more discussion.
This would have been gone in minute if it were open to being shipped or if you lived in a city like LA or something. Sad to see such a reasonably priced wii bundle go unclaimed for so long. If you lived in Arizona or were willing to ship my girlfriend would have picked this up in minutes, heh.

Hopefully you will find a buyer soon and get this transaction wrapped up nicely for the both of you.

Bump for the most reasonably priced Wii bundle that I've ever seen, that for some reason hasn't sold! It's not like Florida is sparsely populated, LOL.

Did you ever get around to advertising this thing locally? I truly hope you don't have to end up trading it in -- you'll take such a huge loss. :(