FS: Mobo/Ram/CPU/PSU/Graphics Card

I do but im not accepting your offer of $120 on two sticks of ram that are *currently* selling for $206 on newegg.com, i'm only asking $165 and clearly stated i wasn't going to compromise my prices any lower unless they are in a combo deal, please read original posting again before you reply to this.

nothing personal against you of course, but if im underselling newegg - the go to guys for some good deals, you know im squared away and not trying to rip anyone off. i'm only trying to recoup some of my losses here.

in reply to your PM, shipping from Dallas to Austin should cost you $5-10 at the most. i shipped a full size mobo with all components to california for only $11 so it should be pretty cheap shipping, shorter distance + much lighter weight. as i stated earlier i am paying for packaging
BrianPeach said:
I do but im not accepting your offer of $120 on two sticks of ram that are *currently* selling for $206 on newegg.com, i'm only asking $165 and clearly stated i wasn't going to compromise my prices any lower unless they are in a combo deal, please read original posting again before you reply to this.

nothing personal against you of course, but if im underselling newegg - the go to guys for some good deals, you know im squared away and not trying to rip anyone off. i'm only trying to recoup some of my losses here.

in reply to your PM, shipping from Dallas to Austin should cost you $5-10 at the most. i shipped a full size mobo with all components to california for only $11 so it should be pretty cheap shipping, shorter distance + much lighter weight. as i stated earlier i am paying for packaging

Well good luck trying to sell it for another 2 months.
RadDad offered me $154 which even if i pay shipping tops your offer. I won't have any problems selling within 2 months and even if not, i'm a patient guy.

christmas is on the way... :D
BrianPeach said:
RadDad offered me $154 which even if i pay shipping tops your offer. I won't have any problems selling within 2 months and even if not, i'm a patient guy :D

Ok, that's fine. But not replying to a PM at all after 3 bumps just makes you rude. You could just told me my offer was too low for you to accept. :rolleyes:
Tremendously undercutting an already more than generous offer on this ram is also considered quite rude ;)
BrianPeach said:
Tremendously undercutting an already more than generous offer on this ram is also considered quite rude ;)

Ok whatever dude, you just don't get it.