FS: M0rph's Spring Cleaning Thread

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Bump for updated sales. Also will be adding my main rigs Phenom II X4 945 later this week. Keep an eye out for it!
TTT My Phenom II should be posted tomorrow barring a catastrophic event. Be on the lookout for it!
it always breaks my heart when people put stuff for sale and take pics of electronics with exposed circuit boards on carpeted floor.... must be asking for ESD
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it always breaks my heard when people put stuff for sale and take pics of electronics with exposed circuit boards on carpeted floor.... must be asking for ESD

Lol at carpet floor, it's not a carpet floor, and I have never had any problems with ESD, and if I did guess what? I don't get money for selling the parts because I broke them. Try again threadcrapping assbag. Take your worthless posts to PM if you have a problem.

Ninja Edit: Also learn how to spell "heart". You need to l2english before trying to talk trash about people.
oh how i miss dreamcast. its too bad bleemcast never made it to production
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