FS: HP Touchpad 32GB


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2005
I've had this thing sitting here forever, never had a need for it.

It's still factory sealed, never opened.

Asking price: SOLD

Amazon payments preferred

Heatware is under shooks

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I agree with unhooked. I have a 32gb touchpad and I admit I love it.....But so many good tablets out now around the 250-300 range...Asus memopad fills the spot nicely and we had it on sale at fry's for 249.99 recently (tegra 3 quad)

But I will say one thing, if you are looking for a tablet with the most amazing speakers ever. You can not pass up on the touchpad, it simply blows away every tablet on the market. I can hear it in the other room if I leave it on playing a video. I actually work at Fry's and have tested literally every damn tablet...Nothing comes close to the amount of volume this thing can dish out....

Pop CM9 on their and you're good, CM10 coming soon....But yea, if this was a year or so ago..this would be gone quick...
Sick deal for a sealed unit. There may be better tablets by spec for not much more money now, but they're not better by much - and nothing around the $200 mark will approach the build quality of a TouchPad. Beautiful piece of tech. I miss mine.