FS/FT Dell Inspiron 1150 (Pics, will trade for Desktop)

Jan 14, 2001
Dell had a sweet deal the other day for a Desktop with a P4 2.8 and a free 19" LCD that I missed out on so I was wondering if anyone on the [H] had something to trade in that ball park. Or I'm willing to sell this for $500 shipped to anywhere in the US via UPS.

Here are the specs:
Intel Celeron 2.4
512 x1 RAM
20 Gb HDD
56k Modem
10/100 LAN
Wireless card
Windows XP

Here are the pics:
Hopefully the pics are good enough for you, some of them are a little blurry because of my camera. The text on the LCD screen is extremely sharp but it seems blurry in the pic, trust me it just looks that way in the picture.

Here is the front of the laptop:

Here is the top of the laptop:
Top View.jpg

Here is the left side of the laptop showing the audio out/in ports and the DVD drive:
Left Side.jpg

Here is the right side of the laptop showing the 56k modem:
Right Side.jpg

Here is the back of the laptop:

Here is the DVD drive open:
DVD drive.jpg

Here is the Wireless card out:
Wireless Out.jpg

Here is the Wireless card in:
Wireless In.jpg

Here is a pic showing Windows XP which it comes with (the serial key # is on the bottom of the laptop like all Dell laptops):

I can do anything with this laptop that someone could do with a regular desktop (but not play the latest games) and here is Photoshop running which performs really well:

If you have any other questions just ask me!
bump for pretty decent dell laptop. my step mom has one with a DVDRW, works great. Heavy as heck though. :D