FS: Everything You Need On Sale!!

Do you know if the MDs are True-IDE or CF standard interface? I have an 8gb MD I cant use bc it's True-IDE (I'm looking for storage for a Dell Axim X50v) (hey if you're interested I'll trade my 8gb for your 2 4gbs and even pay shipping both ways)

Also, If you're into vintage computing, I got lots of old parts, SIMM modules and 16-bit audio cards (genuine soundblaster too!) even some CPUs and mobos! Also old drives, a 2x CD-ROM and an internal ZIP drive. I have a graphics tablet too (old and kinda cheep though, not the best of quality, but it works fine)

Just cleaned out the storage units and going to be posting a bunch of cases up. Mostly 1 and 2U racks, but theres a few standard cases, as well. Also going to be a few P4 motherboards, some speakers, etc.