FS - Dell Latitude Laptop CS


Oct 11, 2004
I have an older Dell Latitude laptop for sale. (Sold to Firebomb)

PII - 400 mHz CPU
128MB of RAM
Xircom 10/100 Ethernet + 56k Modem PCMCIA card
Battery does hold a decent charge.

I don't have the orginal cd-rom or fdd, but I will include both a USB cd-rom and USB fdd.

I also will send the laptop in the nice leather carrying case that it came in.

I will email pics upon request.

$175+shipping OBO.


Azmadeus ([email protected])
farscapesg1 said:
FYI, you have to post a price before the Mods see the post and lock it.

That and a non-free ISP/EDU email address. Hate to be a post-nazi but its for our protection.
hey, I'm going to pass this on to a friend of mine; he might be interested.

looking for any trades?

have any pics?

what's the model number? (or is CS it? I'm not familiar with the old Dells)

what's the battery life?

does it support booting off of the USB drives?
Hey, thanks for passing this on...

Company that I worked for a couple years ago (dot com company) went under, and I purchased two of these laptops after all was said and done.

I would prefer a cash only sale, would help me recoup from buying a video card. :)

Model # is CS (it is a very thin laptop 1" - no internal FDD or Cd-Rom)

Battery life I would say is an hour to an hour and a half at full charge.

USB bootable? That I don't know, I will update the BIOS and see if so.
what's the screen size?

he's wanting soemthing to do email and chat with...he isn't responding online so I'll try calling him.

hell, I might even be interested in it at that price...
i want pending questions
but i want

can u email me pics or send them pm..
whats the screen res on it..
and do u accept paypal.?


looks life Firebomb has sent the PM....so..my work here is done. (Unless it falls through)

(heat? Firebomb hasn't asked)
ill take pending the pics when i recive them.. would u be willing to ship first to an established trader.?
looks good to me; if he doesn't take it I might!

I certainly wouldn't mind a system for Linux and other stuff.

Am I correct in that there are no internal optical/fdd drives?

if so, that's no problem, as I'm used to that with the IBM X-series.
Thanks Firebomb, I appreciate the phone call and the conversation. I updated an evaluation on Heat. When you received the laptop, please evaluate my profile on Heat.

