FS ati X800 XL pci-e and hauppauge pci tv tuner


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 8, 2005
i have for sale, that will be ready to ship by the end of this week when my XT comes a connect3d x800 xl vivo 256mb pci-e video card.......i just had it for a lil over a month and it works great for battlefield 2 and CS:S...of course like every one else i overclocked it a little bit to see what it can do but i didnt keep it over clocked just for benchmark purposes.

new egg selling it OEM for 285 im selling it retail it comes with everything in it all cords and CD and box 235!!!shipped?newegg

no pics yet cuz it still in my computer but i can if u want
EDIT new offer if u buy this card ill give u my joint operations cd key and im sure u can download the game some where (bear share irc)

a hauppauge tv tuner pci just the card 25 shipped? all i know is it has the conexant 878a chip i think its this
morning bump up it goes!! come one guys free game with a video card
How well did the TV tuner card work? Also, the retail version comes with SoftPVR, is that downloadable from the Hauppauge site? I couldn't find it.
last bump then ebay y must ppl thread crap seriously if u dont like the damn price then who gives