FS:Aquacomputer Cooled V2000 SLI

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OMG :eek:

why are you selling that ?

That is F%@KING nice !!!



i don't blame you !!! :)
definitely ebay this, no one on these forums buys super high end whole setups. They all want parted out stuff. Bump for you, not for the paint or that, but i really admire your custom brackets for mounting the front rad and pump and the way you organized this case. it's really incredible looking. it looks very functional. good job.
a little bump before ebay
also its not over kill when you have fun making it, and it comes out looking this good PLEASE DO NOT thread crap. Overkill to you might be buying a gamecube on sale at wal-mart

good luck selling
while I do admit it looks good and the system is worth as much as a buyer is willing to put down the bling bling $$$ :D you sir seem to have an attitude problem maybe if you clean it up you might have a few buyers. free bump
Im going to get with lethal and edit comments made here im looking for people that want to buy a computer not criticize. My attitude has nothing to do with someone buying this computer or any of the other 15-20 i build each month. This reason alone is why i dont like selling on hard forum please stay on topic also dont crap on my thread i'm just trying to see if anyone here wants a ready to go computer.

Again thanks for all the replies, except for some certain individuals.
I see no need to edit comments just because someone referred to your rig as "overkill". Let's just keep it on topic, ok folks?

Also, note this part:

The computer will also be sent with WIndows xp installed
Office XP
Sony vegas video and dvd architect
Adobe photoshop cs
Adobe Priemer pro
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX suite
That's some pretty expensive software, assuming you are transferring legit licensed copies. If not, you cannot include it in the sale.
Good call Lethal.

Are software licenses/disks included. If so my interest is sparked. If not have fun on ebay.
Since i know how to read the rules and know the law yes it will be shipped with all licences just not here. Mods can delete this thread i will sell it local, its sad that anything sold on this forum that has a pretty big price tag gets crapped on by certian peolpe and mods do nothing about it. Keeping on topic is making offers or asking questions about the computer which i would love to answer. Thanks to those that did give bumps and nice replies they will be repaid.
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