FS: A book I wrote?! "The Chaos Gate"

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why not amazon self publish? Your book will be seen by about a hundred times more eyeballs.
I'm thinking of looking into that. For now, self-publish means I print and bind ;)

any further interest or should I close this thread? sorely tempted to close it since no orders at all in over 2 weeks by my reckoning.

in unrelated news: it's my birthday today. I'm suddenly 27. Whoopeefuckshitdoodah.

in unrelated news: it's my birthday today. I'm suddenly 27. Whoopeefuckshitdoodah.

Happy late birthday!, you should post this in Genmay some how. We like reading.

Oh, and is this shit on digital form yet?
I don't have a GenMay subscription; my computer hobby takes up all my spare money (which is hardly there to begin with).

A PDF eBook is available for $5 paypal -- PM me if you're interested -- I'll need $5 via paypal and a valid email address to which the eBook can be sent. Unfortunately, the efforts so far to produce an audio book have not generated anything. Yet.

EDIT: oh duh, thanks for the birthday wishes. It was pretty good.
I don't have a GenMay subscription; my computer hobby takes up all my spare money (which is hardly there to begin with)

First of all, you need to get on that. You will most likely pay back that genmay sub tonight if you post it in there right now... $5 a year... seriously...

Second, Glad you had a Great Birthday. :D
I'm not really interested in 99% of GenMay oddly enough. I'm not a terribly social person IRL.


...building an empire...? That sounds like one of those online game things that I have neither money nor good Internet for... probably just as well. I like games that run in DOSBox ;)
No offense, but you might want to check with Mods on the legality of this thread...

Edit - Basically don't want to see ya banned if its against the rules.
@joecop120 -- I don't want to get banninated either -- I had actually exchanged PMs with a mod and an admin prior to starting this thread, I got a clear OK from them, and was also advised that if I mentioned in the first post that I'd spoken to them, that it would "make people suspicious".

EDIT: I do appreciate you looking out for me tho, for sure! /EDIT

@HSADJADI: for what it's worth I've seen a lot more than computers and their parts on here. Clothes and cars for example. IIRC a year or so ago, someone tried to sell a tractor here. No idea if it actually sold, on [H] or otherwise.
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