FS: 8800gt + Accelero S2 + Turbo Module


Nov 1, 2004
I have a BFG 8800gt OC for sale and a *detached* (like on the side) accelero S2...

The 8800gt has the stock heat sink on it and is in great shape...

The accelero S2 fits nicely on it (I had to take it off to put it inside of another computer) and cools it well (passively it loads around 60C with a good airflow case and 50C or so with a fan attachment)

I also have the turbo module, but unfortunately the wire got caught in one of the fans and snapped in half so only one of the fans work, but some easy soldering could probably fix it....

BFG is pretty good about warranties and I never have any problems with them... card was run with just a slight overclock since January of '08.

*Pics will be here later*


Card + Stock Cooler Only: $80
Card+Accelero S2+Turbo Module (Only one fan working, will include both)+Tuniq thermal paste: $95

Shipping is $5 anywhere in the USA (extra if canada, but will not go overseas)... unless you live locally....