FS: 512MB (2x256) Mushkin PC3500 LVL1

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Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2004
Decided to add a few things to this, I'm finally getting off my butt and doing something about the piles of old parts kicking around.

New paired sticks of DDR, received through RMA from Mushkin as a replacement for a defective pair. Took them out of the protective sleeve long enough to test and verify they work, otherwise no usage on them. I'll get pictures up in an hour or so when I get home from work.


Brand new on Newegg for $143...I'm willing to let them go for $100 shipped. PENDING

Also, got an ASUS A7V-266E mobo w/Athlon XP 1800+ (1.53Ghz), great board, used it for a few years, haven't fired it up in a few months but last time I used it I was having issues with my harddrives constantly locking up, so the board itself might have issues. I put a small-fin copper heatsink on it (35 fins wide) with a Thermaltake 4800RPM fan on it, so it runs great if you want to OC it a bit. I'd be willing to let both go for $50 shipped, if I happen to find some PC2700 kicking around I'll throw it in for free.

ADDON: I'll throw in a Belkin PCI USB 2.0 card (4 ext. 1 int. ports) and a 56K v.90 modem with this, both work perfectly. The mobo has 2 USB ports itself, I used the Belkin card to add 4 more on the back of the case, plus the internal port for a front mounted bay plate.


Also got a GF3Ti200...wonderful card for an older box if you want to be able to do some 3D in it, I used to play CS on it constantly without an issue. It's a Visiontek XTASY 6564 with 64MB of memory on board, still works, I use it as a test board now and then, drivers are easily obtainable through Nvidia.com. I'd like to get $20 for it, or I can throw it in with the mobo/cpu above for $15.



Also have a Hercules Game Theater XP, original unit, with the breakout box. Only thing wrong with it is the 1/4" headphone jack on the front is possibly cracked off the board because you have to wiggle it for it to work. Some solder or a headphone/speaker jack from Radioshack for $15 will fix that. It has optical ins and outs, full 5.1 surround sound, mic jacks, it was a great soundcard til I got my nice fancy new Audigy 2 ZS. I have all the original parts for it (cables and breakout box and whatnot) but no drivers, they're still available on www.hercules.com. I'd let this go for $30 OBO, or throw it in with the above bundle for about $20.


That's all I can find that's worth selling for now :)

I'll ship first if you have decent enough Heat/references, otherwise I take Paypal.

Email/references available in my sig, otherwise [email protected] is my non-free. Bumping is both craved and loved.

Since there was no interest in what's left it's going up on ebay, once I clear up one or two loose ends. Consider this thread dead.
shah120 said:
Only if this was 1 stick... Damn1

Yeah I know :(...I'd be using it now, but I got a gig of Corsair in my box already, and having all 4 sticks in there was causing heat issues (my cabling sucks lol) and so I left these out. They'd work great in a dual channel setup though, great memory.
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