Friend looking for a good router


Jun 30, 2003
My friend has Freeserve 2 megabit DSL and he is unhappy with his router. He says it makes lots of noises and it keeps losing the internet.

He is looking to buy a new one but he doesnt know what routers are good and what arent. e is not interested in wireless routers but the router must have a modem and firewall inside.

Can anyone recommend him a good router?

Thanks for any help
Well I was going to suggest the Linksys WRT54G, that is a great router...but it doesn't have a modem inside. Linksys does make a model that has a broadband modem inside of it, forget the model name though.
Most DSL ISP's I've dealt with send modems with built in routers. If this one doesn't they're the exception.

He'll most likely have to get them from the ISP though. I've worked with literally hundreds of ISP's, and only a couple of them gave modems without routers to their DSL customers. Have him contact the ISP and ask him which modems will work with their service.

I don't know if you can actually purchase them on your own, but if you can, I recommend Actiontec or Westel. Stay away from Netopia and SpeedStream at all costs. They are piles of shit.