Fried Inverter


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
Anyone ever have this happen to them? I noticed my two 4" cold cathodes weren't on. I checked all the connections and they were fine so I decided to check the iverter. I disconnected it and took a wiff and knew right away it was fried so I opened it and this is what I found. Luckily I had a spare inverter lying around.

(sorry for crappy quality. Only camera I have is on my cell hpone)



Now I'm nervous somethings wrong with my wiring. Hopefuly it was just a faulty inverter.
what's the voltage rating/current rating of the inverter? might not be able to handle the load.
thos caps are on the output side of the board... are your lamp wires shorted, either together or to the case?
LOL I have done this before but it was me being stoopid. I decided to try to hook up an old CCL to the power plug in my car but I wasn't thining properly and it blew the cap on the inverter. Both my girfriend and I were in the car when it happened but i took a papertowel roll and had the inverter inside it incase something did blow. All I forgot to do was put a resistor on it. oh well it was just sitting on a shelf gathering dust.
No shorts. It was only a couple weeks old so there isn't any wear in the insulation on the wires.

I'm thinking it was just a faulty cap since the one lead of the cap was completely gone. Burnt to nonexistance. So I'm thinking the capacitor probably shorted out internally.

I also noticed on the underside of the board, the 2 pads that cap was soldered too had very little solder causing a unreliable connection.

I thoroughly checked my wiring to be safe and found no problems. I'll just keep an eye on it for the next week or so.