Freezing HardDrives


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2004
Anyone know if this is a good idea? A buddie who I trust told me this is kinda a old remedy for a dead harddrive. He said that it should be max. 10.min. anyone know if this trick works at all? I really have nothing to lose, so I'm gonna try it anyways. :p
If you take the time to read the stickies there is info in there. I have used this trick and sometimes it actually works.

I have placed the drive in the freezer overnight, and or placed it between two pieces of dry ice. Neither will fix the drive, but if your lucky you might just be able to recover your data. After that it’s a paper weight
Please realize that this is a last resort...don't go and do it to a new drive, you won't be happy with the results I bet. If you have nothing to lose, read up on it in the stickies and then go for it, hopefully it will solve your problem :)