FreeDNS? IPv6? Remote Connection Help


Apr 3, 2005
Basically being in an apartment, my whole setup is pretty ****ty. I have my own network with 2-4 computers at a time, depending who is visiting, and the apartment complex is all routed, i believe, on a single WAN address. If i plug my computer straight into the wall, i get an IP something to the effect of 10.10. something. but then the WAN is 67.128.... I dont know exactly how many connections share this WAN, but suffice it to say that it makes many thing very difficult or impossible.

When i was at home, we had our own WAN and it was simple to Remote Desktop from school to home to access my files and run programs. here, i dont know really where to begin to be able to do such a thing.

A friend of mine was telling me that you can use a site such as in conjunction with an IPv6 address, and you register and you can create a free subdomain and they give you your own IP. the one they gave me is like 118.something. After that you need to register with an IPv6 tunnel broker, and i did that.... but thats where i am lost. they asked for an endpoint, and i dont know what IP to give them... Ported?

i dont know. If anybody knows of a guide id appreciate it, ive looked unsuccessfully so far.

any advice would be great too.
